The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

2022 Award Winners

The winners of the 2022 National Awards for Local Government were announced on 13 October 2022.

The full details of the winners' projects can be found below.

2022 category award winners

Addressing Violence against Women and their Children

Winner: City of Belmont, WA

Project: Belmont Safe-guarding Families Advocacy Service

Career Starter

Winner: Broken Hill City Council, NSW

Project: Outstanding trainee—Katelyn Schenk

Cohesive Communities  

Winner: City of Canning, WA

Project:  Hillview Intercultural Community Centre

Creativity and Culture

Winner: Moorabool Shire Council, VIC

Project: Hide + Seek Music Festival

Disaster Preparedness

Winner: Ipswich City Council, QLD

Project: Forewarned is forearmed—Ipswich Integrated Catchment Plan

Indigenous Recognition

Winner: Bathurst Regional Council, NSW

Project: River Connections

Productivity through Infrastructure

Winner: Sunshine Coast Council, QLD

Project: Sunshine Coast Mobility Map—Connecting Community Infrastructure

Regional Growth

Winner: Moreton Bay Regional Council, QLD

Project: Moreton Bay City

Road Safety

Winner: Mitchell Shire Council, VIC

Project: School Crossing SafetyCam Initiative

Waste Management

Winner: City of Vincent, WA

Project: What the FOGO? We've got a Better Bin System sorted!

Women in Local Government

Winner: Broken Hill City Council, NSW

Project: Showcase female leader—Kathryn Graham

2022 category award honorable mentions

Addressing Violence against Women and their Children

Winner: Bass Coast Shire Council, VIC

Project: Parental Leave Initiatives

Career Starter

Winner: Gwydir Shire Council, NSW

Project: Gwydir Career Start Program

Cohesive Communities

Winner: City of Gosnells, WA

Project:  Fusion Food and Culture Festival

Creativity and Culture

Winner: Circular Head Council, TAS

Project: The CHArts Festival

Disaster Preparedness

Winner: Burwood Council, NSW

Project: Burwood Bounce Back—Economic Reactivation and Resilience Building Project

Indigenous Recognition

Winner: Cassowary Coast Regional Council, QLD

Project: Ride Where our Ancestors Once Walked—Girramay Country

Productivity through Infrastructure

Winner: Gannawarra Shire Council, VIC

Project: KerangLink—Victoria's Renewable Energy Superhighway

Regional Growth

Winner: Scenic Rim Regional Council, QLD

Project: New Residents Packs

Road Safety

Winner: City of Kalamunda, WA

Project: Road Safety Awareness Campaign

Waste Management

Winner: Campbelltown City Council, NSW

Project: Mattress Recycling

Women in Local Government

Winner: Ipswich City Council, QLD

Project: Ipswich—Leading by example