Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program

The Australian Government's $400 million regional Precincts and Partnerships Program (rPPP) is open for applications.

The rPPP seeks to support transformative investment in regional, rural and remote Australia based on the principles of unifying regional places, growing economies and serving communities. The rPPP focuses on a partnership approach, bringing together governments, businesses and communities to deliver multi-purpose precincts that are place-based, tailored to local needs and positioned around a shared vision, need or theme.

The rPPP supports both precinct development proposals and the delivery of construction-ready precinct projects.

  • Stream One: Precinct development and planning
    • Project funding of between $500,000 to $5 million is available to activate partnerships and deliver an investment-ready precinct plan.
  • Stream Two: Precinct delivery
    • Project funding of $5 million to $50 million is available to help deliver one or more elements of a precinct. This could include enabling infrastructure (roads, pathways, underground infrastructure), open spaces between elements, or a particular building/s that is the catalyst for, or complements, other investments within a precinct.

The rPPP is available to projects located in a regional, rural or remote location outside the Australian Bureau of Statistics' Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSA). Use the mapping tool below to determine eligibility of your project location.

The urban Precincts and Partnership Programs (uPPP) is available to applicants who are not in the statistical boundary for the rPPP.

Funding outcomes

The Hon Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, has announced a number of successful projects under this program. These include:

Assessment of further applications is underway in line with the process detailed within the published Guidelines.

Supporting documentation