The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

Regional Recovery Partnerships

The Australian Government provided $100 million to Regional Recovery Partnerships to coordinate investments with all levels of government and to support recovery and growth in 10 regions across Australia.

The 10 regions are:

  • (NSW) The Snowy Mountains; Hunter and Newcastle; and Parkes Regions
  • (QLD) Cairns and Tropical North Queensland; Gladstone; and Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday Regions
  • (TAS) all of Tasmania
  • (VIC) Gippsland Region
  • (SA) Kangaroo Island, and
  • (WA) South West Region.

Regional Recovery Partnerships aim to build relationships, draw on existing technical expertise and increase the flow of information between Commonwealth agencies and programs and other levels of government. To deliver on these objectives, the Australian Government has consulted with state and local governments, industry, local development and community organisations on priority projects. This brokering role creates opportunities for robust and relevant information sharing between the Commonwealth and other levels of government to assist with, or complement, the delivery of existing investments and projects to boost economic and jobs growth in regional Australia.

Funded Projects


  • Krautungalung Walk Lakes Entrance (Stage 1)

    Australian Government contribution of $2.2 million for the design and construction for stage 1 of a planned 4.5 km, all-abilities boardwalk and concrete path circuit seeking to link existing infrastructure and tell the story of the Traditional Owners.
  • East Gippsland Rail Trail

    Australian Government contribution of $2 million to upgrade the trail to improve safety and the experience of cyclists and walkers and drive future growth in the visitor economy.
  • Slip Road Paynesville Upgrades

    Australian Government contribution of $1 million for the construction of Stage 1 of an upgrade to the Slip Road Maritime Precinct in Paynesville including a new sea-wall, boardwalks, amenity block improvements, landscaping and car parking, additional boat ramp and additional jetties to promote Paynesville as a year-round tourism destination.
  • Forest Park Orbost Upgrades

    Australian Government contribution of $1.3 million to revitalise and modernise Forest Park recreation area and gateway to the East Gippsland Rail Trail by providing a new toilet and amenities block, increased parking, a playground and picnic area to encourage visitors to stay in the region.
  • Koala Discovery and Rehabilitation on Raymond Island

    Australian Government contribution of $0.5m to enhance the visitor experience and protect koalas in the area through creation of supporting infrastructure, interpretive material and habitat restoration.
  • Mallacoota streetscape

    Australian Government contribution of $1.5 million to redevelop and enhance the town centre of Mallacoota to support bushfire recovery.
  • Kalimna Lookout

    Australian Government contribution of $1.5 million to develop an all abilities accessible viewing platform to support the visitor economy.

Cairns and Tropical North Queensland

  • Cairns Gallery Precinct project

    Australian Government contribution of $10 million towards the transformation and connection of three heritage listed buildings within the Cairns Gallery Precinct. The precinct will focus on celebrating and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art and culture.


  • Central Queensland Renewable Hydrogen Ecosystem Development

    Australian Government contribution of $5 million for a pilot project to establish a consortium to test both technology and the integration of technology with supply chains, providing advice about renewable hydrogen's potential pathways.
  • Auckland Hill Economic Development

    Australian Government contribution of $5 million to support the continued creation of a waterfront precinct (East Shores) at the Gladstone Port. Project funds will be used to develop disability friendly walkways to a redeveloped lookout, and to construct community infrastructure and facilities.


  • Clermont Saleyards and Showgrounds Revitalisation

    Australian Government contribution of $3.279 million to support the redevelopment of the Clermont Saleyards and Showgrounds to increase the capacity of the facility to service the sale demands of the region.
  • Biocommodities Pilot Plant Expansion

    Australian Government contribution of $5.221 million to support Queensland University of Technology's (QUT) development of regional bio-manufacturing industries to enhance the region's capability in biomass processing, fermentation, separation and product development technologies.
  • Aquaculture and Agriculture Tech Skills Hub

    Australian Government contribution of $1.5 million to provide design and development of ag-tech programs aligned to industry requirements.

South West (Western Australia)

  • Food Organics, Garden Organics (FOGO) Compost Facility

    Australian Government contribution of $6 million for the construction of an organics composting facility that will enable the Bunbury Harvey Regional Council to upscale its established composting operation and increase production volumes of its Australian-standard organic product.
  • Nannup Cycle Trail Network

    Australian Government contribution of $2.86 million to transform the town of Nannup into a Trail Town that will attract a wide variety of trail users, visitors and investors to the region through investment in bike trails and related infrastructure.
  • Manjimup Trail Bike Hub

    Australian Government contribution of $0.98 million to position Manjimup as the centre for trail bike riding in Western Australia through new trail development, new tourism experiences and marketing activities.


  • Stage 2 Parkes Water Security Project

    Australian Government contribution of $5 million to deliver two new pump stations and a solar supporting system that are critical components of the Parkes Water Security project.
  • Central West Industrial Park Part 1 of Stage 2

    Australian Government contribution of $4 million for the construction of a significant portion of drainage works and associated road works to deliver land lots with basic infrastructure ready for use by interested businesses.
  • Lake Cargelligo Tourism Activation Project

    Australian Government contribution of $1 million to activate the Lake Cargelligo town centre with new infrastructure and facilities to service tourists and residents alike.

Snowy Mountains

  • Snowies Iconic Walk Stage 4

    Australian Government contribution of $10 million for the completion of Stage 4 of the Snowies Iconic Walk, a world class 55km multi-day walk experience, to connect the first three stages to further accommodation and transport connections and promote tourism in the region.


  • Dulverton Organics Transformation—waste management

    Australian Government contribution of $6 million for the construction of a purpose-built organic waste processing facility to service industry sectors and domestic households in the North West Tasmanian region.
  • Strahan Waterfront

    Australian Government contribution of $2 million for the creation of a modern, safe port precinct to increase the space for locals and tourists, and expand the tourism and aquaculture industries.
  • Devonport Sound and Light Show

    Australian Government contribution of $1.5 million to create a unique and immersive light and sound show that showcases Tasmania's landscapes. It will employ Tasmanian artists and musicians to create a night time attraction to encourage visitors to stay overnight in the city. It will support the growth of tourism, hospitality and the local art industry.

A further announcement is forthcoming for this region.

Kangaroo Island

  • Kangaroo Island Workforce Accommodation

    The Australian Government has committed $5 million for the construction of self-contained, short-term workforce accommodation units to address the current challenges the island faces in housing critical workers, particularly emergency responders and visiting health specialists. The new facility will provide centralised accommodation, co-located with the Island's health service.
  • Cape Willoughby Visitor Experience Hub and Stage 1 East End Multiday Walk

    The Australian Government has committed $4 million for upgrades to the Cape Willoughby visitor experience. This will enable upgrades to the overnight historic light keeper's cottage accommodation and day visitor precinct; construction of a signature viewing platform, a new café and visitor information facility and completion of Stage 1 of the east end multi-day walk nodes.
  • Kangaroo Island AgTech Hub

    The Australian Government has committed $1 million to establish an AgTech Hub to create step change to the profitability and sustainably of primary production on Kangaroo Island, including the establishment of AgTech demonstration farms and hosting of AgTech demonstration field days and tours.

Hunter and Newcastle

  • Newcastle Art Gallery Expansion

    Australian Government contribution of $5 million for the expansion and upgrade of the current Newcastle Art Gallery to enable increased exhibition and community engagement for the people of the Hunter and Newcastle and offer increased cultural tourism opportunities for NSW.
  • Maitland Gaol Development Plan

    Australian Government contribution of $5 million to increase visitation and revenue by enhancing the Gaol’s core heritage tourism offer while providing complementary visitor and community infrastructure to maximise the capabilities of the site.