The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

ROVER Release 8B

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ROVER Release 8B launch date

What changed in Release 8B?

ROVER Release 8B resources

ROVER Release 8B launch date

ROVER Release 8B went live on 18 April 2023.

What changed in Release 8B?

ROVER Release 8B included the following new functionality and design changes to make ROVER more user-friendly:

  • Multiple identical vehicles on a single road vehicle application: You will be able to include up to 30 identical vehicles in one single road vehicle application, except for trailers, which are limited to 4. If granted, you will get an approval for each vehicle.
  • New archive pages: These will improve load times and performance of pages with large lists. For example, applications and approvals submitted more than 6 months ago will move to easily accessible archive pages. Payments made in the last 2 financial years will be on the past payments tab. Anything older will be moved to the archive payments page.
  • Approvals page: The list of approvals will show in-force and suspended approvals, split across different tabs – type and role approvals, single road vehicle approvals, and specialist and enthusiast vehicle entries. The tables will also show make and model. You will be able to access expired or revoked approvals via a link at the bottom of each tab.
  • Information in approvals: When you open an approval on your approvals page, you will be able to notify us of an error. You will also be able to see more information specific to that approval. For example, you will see scope, service type and location for authorised vehicle verifier approvals. The additional information will change depending on approval type. This will make it easier for approval holders to identify and manage their approvals. You will be also able to access previous versions and the submitted data for those applications. Navigating between the application and approval will be easier, via a link.
  • Assigning nicknames: The ability to assign nicknames will be expanded to approvals. On the approvals page, you will be able to see the nicknames you have assigned to your approvals and they will be searchable. Please note application and approval nicknames are not linked.
  • Extent of compliance: When selecting extent of compliance against an applicable Australian Design Rule for certain application types, 'Not applicable/ADR exemption' will be split into two options. This will allow applicants to describe the extent of compliance more accurately.
  • Managing variants in vehicle type approval applications: Various improvements, including selecting the variants for each related Compliance Information form.
  • Design and manufacturing control: In vehicle type approval and component type approval applications the design and manufacturing control section will ask applicants to review the department's QMS checklist and whether their QMS system includes all elements it identifies.
  • Model Report list: With a word search function and only 20 approvals per page in table format, viewing the list of approved Model Reports will be easier.
  • Contacting the department while signed in: An 'Enquiries' button on the icon ribbon across the top of the page will replace the 'Contact the department' button throughout ROVER.
  • RAV invoices: Pre-approved RAV submitters will receive reminder emails about outstanding invoices 1 day after the invoice is due and 14 days after the due date.

Release 8B resources

What's new? What's different?

What's new? What's different? is a visual guide of the new functionality and design changes in Release 8B.

New ROVER video