Kingston and Arthur's Vale Historic Area Advisory Committee

The Kingston and Arthur's Vale Historic Area (KAVHA) Advisory Committee provides expert and community input to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts to guide management of KAVHA including advice on:

  • best practice techniques to conserve the existing fabric and heritage objects present on the site
  • actions that will protect and present, with authenticity, the rich and interwoven natural and cultural landscape of KAVHA
  • strategies to achieve effective governance and good management
  • opportunities to improve tourism use and the financial sustainability of the site
  • approaches for facilitating enduring community partnerships.

The KAVHA Advisory Committee is chaired by the Administrator of Norfolk Island, Mr George Plant, with the following members:

  • Dr Jane Harrington has more than 25 years' experience in cultural heritage management and is currently the Director of Conservation and Infrastructure at the Port Arthur Historic Site. Jane's academic and professional background encompasses anthropology and archaeology, including doctoral research undertaken in management issues and communities at World Heritage sites. Jane is a member of the Australian Heritage Council and a past president of Australia ICOMOS.
  • Ms Susan Prior is a professional freelance writer and editor, former employee of Norfolk Island Regional Council, and initiator of the informal Norfolk Island Digital Commuters group. Susan has a passion for our natural world and history, and a desire to improve visitor experiences and the way information about KAVHA is communicated.
  • Ms Janet Carding is the Executive Director of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust and has a distinguished global career in the galleries and museums sector. Janet has extensive experience in museum practices, strategic planning, museum curation, exhibitions and public programs.
  • Mrs Helen Pedel is a long-term resident of Norfolk Island and retired Assistant Principal of Norfolk Island Central School. Her family owns land within the Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area and she feels deeply connected to the landscape and social benefits the site offers. Helen is the Chair of the KAVHA Community Advisory Group. She has contributed significantly to the development of various plans to ensure the site is managed both sustainably and equitably for all stakeholders into the future.
  • Mr George Parsons is a Norfolk Islander who operates a tourism business in Kingston. He is an accomplished businessman and builder who has completed numerous projects on the site. Consequently, he is not only familiar with heritage requirements but can bring a pragmatic view to issues associated with maintenance of the site and its buildings.
  • Ms Fiona Anderson is a Norfolk Islander of Pitcairn descent who owns and operates tourism accommodation on Norfolk Island. She has a deep appreciation of Kingston as a result of her father’s and extended family members’ many years of working across the site. As a result of formal training and past employment with the Department, Fiona brings a wealth of knowledge about the strategic direction, inner workings and social values of Kingston to the KAVHA Advisory Committee.
  • Mr Simon Bigg is a Norfolk Islander who is a landholder of inherited property within the KAVHA boundary, Simon brings valuable insight from the perspective of cultural custodian. Simon is passionate about preserving the cultural and historical significance that the site holds for this community and for those who enjoy it. Simon is a café owner who embraces the sustainable lifestyle of Norfolk Island. Simon is also a cattle owner and member of the Norfolk Island Cattle Association and holds qualifications in commercial cookery, horticulture and sustainable agriculture.
