The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

National Airports Safeguarding Advisory Group (NASAG) Meeting Outcomes

November 2023

NASAG held an ordinary meeting on 8 November 2023 in Canberra. The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts provided an update on the Aviation White Paper following the release of the Aviation Green Paper and welcomed feedback to be considered in the Aviation White Paper. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority presented on the International Civil Aviation Organization's Proposal for updates to the obstacle limitation surface and Australia's involvement in the process. The Department of Defence in conjunction with Aurecon Australia presented on the Public Safety Areas at Darwin and Townsville and the Defence Aviation Area at Williamtown.

The review of Guideline B (windshear) has been completed with no changes to the existing guideline. The review of Guideline C (wildlife strike) was completed and endorsed by the group. The updated Guideline C is available on our website. A lead/co-lead for the upcoming NASF Guideline D (windfarms) review has not yet been filled.

April 2023

NASAG held an ordinary meeting on 19 April 2023. The Australian Airports Association (AAA) provided an overview of their role within the aviation industry. The AAA also discussed the role airports are currently playing in educating town planners on aviation issues. The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts presented on the Aviation White Paper which will set the scene for the future growth and development of the aviation sector.

NASAG's current Forward Work Plan includes finalising the review of Guideline B (windshear) and Guideline C (wildlife strike) as well as nominating an agency to lead a review of Guideline D (windfarms). Proceedings also included discussion on the importance of NASAG and the implementation of NASF into state and territory planning regimes.

October 2022

NASAG held an ordinary meeting on 5 October 2022. Members received a presentation from the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads on the UK's revised approach to public safety zones. Proceedings included discussion on NASAG membership and Terms of Reference, land use planning and decision making in relation to aircraft noise, release of an issues paper for the Guideline C review, and lead/co-lead for the upcoming NASF Guideline D (windfarms) review (noting this role has not yet been filled).

NASAG's current Forward Work Plan includes reviews of Guideline B (windshear)—to be finalised, Guideline C (wildlife strike)—issues paper currently out for comment, and Guideline D (wind farms) to commence in 2022–23. Work will commence in 2023–24 on educational material (Recommendation 8 of the NASF Implementation Review) to facilitate the implementation of NASF.

June 2022

NASAG held an ordinary meeting on 16 June 2022 in Adelaide. Thank you to the South Australian government for hosting the group. Members received presentations from the Australian Airports Association on its role and current work and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority on Advanced Air Mobility, wind farms, and plume rise. Proceedings included discussion on NASF Implementation Review Recommendations 7 and 8, and the commencement of the Guideline C (wildlife strike) review.

NASAG's Forward Work Plan currently includes reviews of Guideline B (windshear)—in progress, Guideline C (wildlife strike)—to commence in 2022 and Guideline D (wind farms) to commence in 2022–23.

November 2021

NASAG held an ordinary meeting on 9 November 2021. At this meeting members received presentations from Captain MacKerras from the Australian Airline Pilots Association and Mr Mitchell Dunn from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. Proceedings included discussion on finalisation of the NASF Implementation Review and future work arising from the Implementation Review Recommendations. These documents have now been endorsed and are available to the public on the Review webpage.

NASAG will now incorporate work from the Recommendations into its future Forward Work Plan, which currently includes reviews of Guideline B (windshear)—in progress, Guideline C (wildlife hazard management)—to commence in 2022 and Guideline D (wind farms) to commence in 2022–23.

July 2021

NASAG held an ordinary meeting on 13 July 2021. At this meeting, members considered the draft 2019 NASF Implementation Review Report, including discussion of recommended outcomes to progress jurisdictional implementation of the framework. It is anticipated the draft report and recommendations will be provided to State and Territory senior officials and Ministers for formal endorsement in the final quarter of 2021.

NASAG continues to progress the 2021–24 Forward Work Plan, which includes reviews of Guideline B (windshear), Guideline C (wildlife hazard management) and Guideline D (wind farms).

March 2021

NASAG held an ordinary meeting on 31 March 2021. At this meeting members considered submissions to the NASF Implementation Review. The Secretariat also provided the group with a draft report for the Review. Members will now provide comments on the draft intersession with a view to preparing actionable Review Recommendations at the next meeting in July 2021.

August 2019

NASAG held an ordinary meeting on 21 August 2019. At this meeting members agreed the Terms of Reference for an Implementation Review of the National Airports Safeguarding Framework.

The Implementation Review commenced on 2 September 2019, with a draft report to be considered by NASAG at the next meeting in February 2020.

All tiers of government, industry and the community will be consulted as part of the review process.

The NASAG Forward Work Plan for 2019–2021 PDF: 547 KB was also agreed. The group has identified further consideration of Guidelines B (windshear), D (wind farms) and C (wildlife strike) during this period.