The Australian Government is committed to unlocking the immense potential of northern Australia, working in partnership to build a sustainable, thriving and vibrant region.
As the Minister for Northern Australia, I am privileged to see the remarkable opportunities and endeavours unfolding across the region and experience first-hand the resilience and ingenuity of northern Australians.
I am proud to unveil the Northern Australia Action Plan 2024–2029 — a comprehensive plan that seeks to maximise new and emerging opportunities for northern Australians and tackle persistent challenges by prioritising sustainable and resilient development. The Action Plan marks a new chapter in the story of northern Australia — a story being written in partnership with northern Australians. I extend my gratitude to all those who have contributed to this Action Plan in particular, key stakeholders across Queensland (Qld), Western Australia (WA) and the Northern Territory (NT), who provided invaluable insights. Since re-establishing the Northern Australia Ministerial Forum in 2022, we are strengthening collaboration across state and territory partners to deliver our shared vision for the north.
A strong north means a strong Australia. The 2015 Our North, Our Future: White Paper on Developing Northern Australia remains the cornerstone document in the developing northern Australia agenda. This Action Plan reaffirms the Australian Government’s commitment to the north and builds upon the White Paper’s foundational principles to reflect the evolving needs and priorities of northern Australians.
The Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) is the centrepiece of the northern Australia agenda. In 2023, our government delivered on our commitment to provide the NAIF an additional $2 billion, bringing the NAIF’s total capacity to $7 billion. Amendments to the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility Act 2016 (Cth) also broadened the definition of ‘northern Australia’ to include the Indian Ocean Territories, enabling the NAIF to invest in eligible projects that support the development of Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Since its establishment, NAIF has committed more than $4.4 billion to support 32 projects that are expected to generate around 18,400 northern Australia jobs and $33.8 billion in public benefit.
Our government is focusing on positioning regional Australia, including the north, to power our future prosperity and economic security. The $22.7 billion Future Made in Australia agenda addresses the structural and strategic challenges facing the Australian economy. It is about harnessing Australia’s advantages, like abundant natural assets and resource endowments, to encourage investment in sectors that will contribute to decarbonisation and Australia’s economic resilience. Northern Australia is ideally placed to benefit from this significant investment and will play a pivotal role in achieving our government’s commitment to reduce emissions to 43% below 2005 levels by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.
Central to the north maximising its full potential is its people, including First Nations people. The Northern Australia Indigenous Reference Group provides valued insight on what is needed to support the aspirations of First Nations people. I thank all members for their contributions in shaping our ambitious agenda.
I look forward to continuing to work together with my colleagues including Mr Luke Gosling OAM, MP, Special Envoy for Defence, Veterans’ Affairs and Northern Australia to support thriving northern communities.

The Hon Madeleine King MP
Minister for Northern Australia