The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) provide a range of analogue radio services available to the majority of people living within Australia. Residents in mainland capital cities can listen to ABC and SBS digital radio services. Radio programs can also be accessed over the internet, mobile apps, or via the View Access Satellite Television (VAST) service.
ABC Radio
Almost all Australians can listen to at least one ABC Radio station that broadcasts local and national news, weather, emergency warnings, and a mix of entertainment including sport, music and regional or rural issues.
The ABC also broadcasts its Radio Australia service to the Pacific Islands and Timor Leste in English and Tok Pisin. Programs include news and current affairs, sport and music from the region, and programming for Pacific women and families.
The ABC is guided by the ABC Charter, editorial policies and codes of practice. The role of the broadcaster is to provide services that inform, educate and entertain all Australians. It must reflect the diversity of interests in the Australian community through a range of distinctive programs of broad and specialist appeal.
SBS Radio
SBS Radio is Australia's multicultural and multilingual national broadcaster. SBS Radio broadcasts programmes in over 60 languages, making it one of the most diverse services of its kind in the world.
The amount of program time for each language is guided by the size of the community, its needs (like language proficiency, age and employment) and where the people who speak it live in Australia.
The SBS is guided by the SBS Charter, editorial policies and codes of practice. The role of SBS is to inform, educate and entertain all Australians while reflecting Australia's multicultural society.
Last reviewed: 1 January 2024