Radiocommunications Act 1992
- s 30 - the ACMA may prepare a spectrum plan.
- ss 31, 37 - the ACMA may prepare frequency band plans where directed to by the Minister. The ACMA may also make a frequency band plan or vary a frequency band plan before preparing a conversion plan or marketing plan.
- s 44a - the ACMA must prepare a digital radio channel plan before issuing the first digital radio multiplex transmitter licence.
Telecommunications Act 1997
- ss 455, 460 - the ACMA must, by legislative instrument, make a plan for the numbering of carriage services and the use of numbers in connection with the supply of such services and consult on it.
- s 459 - the ACMA must administer the numbering plan.
Telecommunications Act 1997
- s 467 - the ACMA may, by writing, delegate any of the powers conferred on it by the numbering plan to a body corporate.
Broadcasting Services Act 1992
Content regulation
- Sch 5 Cl 94 - the ACMA must liaise with relevant bodies overseas about cooperative arrangements for the regulation of the internet industry, including (but not limited to) collaborative arrangements to develop multilateral codes of practice and internet content labelling technologies.
Radiocommunications Act 1992
- s 33 - the ACMA must consult on draft spectrum or frequency band plans.
- s 38 - the ACMA must, by legislative instrument, prepare a conversion plan setting out the procedures and timetable for replacing apparatus licences with spectrum licences (on receiving a notice from the Minister).
- s 39 - the ACMA must, by legislative instrument, prepare marketing plans (unencumbered spectrum) for issuing spectrum licences that authorise the operation of radiocommunications devices.
- s 39A - the ACMA must, by legislative instrument, prepare marketing plans (re-allocation of spectrum) for issuing spectrum licences that authorise the operation of radiocommunications devices.
- s 44A - the ACMA must, by legislative instrument, prepare a digital radio channel plan before issuing the first digital radio multiplex transmitter licence and consult members of the public.
- s 53 - the ACMA must prepare a draft spectrum licence as soon as practicable after preparing a conversion plan.
- s 57 - the ACMA must issue a spectrum licence (replacing an apparatus licence) if the licensee gives the ACMA a notice accepting the offer and agreeing to the spectrum access charge.
- s 60 - the ACMA must determine in writing the procedures to be applied in allocating spectrum licences by auction, tender or allocation for a pre-determined or negotiated price.
- s 62 - the ACMA must issue spectrum licences if the person to whom it will be allocated pays the spectrum access charge or reaches an agreement over that charge.
- ss 72, 73 - the ACMA may vary the conditions of a spectrum licence with or without the agreement of the licensee.
- s 106 - the ACMA may determine, in writing, a price-based allocation system for allocating specified transmitter licences.
- s 153F - the ACMA may recommend, in writing, that the Minister make a spectrum re-allocation declaration.
- s 153G - the ACMA must seek comments from potentially-affected apparatus licensees before making a recommendation that the Minister make a spectrum re-allocation declaration.
Telecommunications Act 1997
- ss 463, 464 - the ACMA may, by legislative instrument, determine an allocation system for allocating numbers to CSPs and must also consult the ACCC on it as well as publishing a notice on its website that invites interested persons to give written comments.