The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

Thriving Suburbs Program

The Australian Government has committed funding over three years, from 2024–25 to  2026–27, for the Thriving Suburbs Program to deliver investment in community infrastructure projects.

The program has been funded to deliver one round of funding of between $500,000 and $15 million to local government entities and incorporated not-for-profit organisations for capital works projects that enhance liveability, strengthen social cohesion and support local amenity in urban, suburban and peri-urban communities across Australia's Greater Capital City Statistical Areas. Projects are required to construct new community infrastructure, or expand or upgrade existing infrastructure for wider community benefit.

The program is open competitive with funding awarded on a merit basis.

Applications closed on 2 September 2024 (the former closing date was 26 August 2024).

Further information on the application and assessment process is outlined in the Program Guidelines.

Please continue to monitor this webpage for updates on the program.

Funding outcomes

Funding outcomes under the program have now been fully announced:

  • South Australian communities will share funding of approximately $34 million for nine approved Thriving Suburbs Program projects.
  • West Australian communities will share funding of just over $79 million for 13 approved Thriving Suburbs Program projects.
  • New South Wales' communities will share funding of just over $61 million for 15 approved Thriving Suburbs Program projects.
  • Victorian communities will share funding of over $129 million for 26 approved Thriving Suburbs Program projects.
  • Tasmania will share funding of just over $2 million for an approved Thriving Suburbs Program project.
  • Queensland communities will share funding of over $11.7 million for six approved Thriving Suburbs Program projects.

The lists of approved projects are included in the Successful Projects tables.

Supporting documentation