The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

Norfolk Island Regional Council

What is the Norfolk Island Regional Council?

The Norfolk Island Regional Council comprises five Councillors who are elected on a four year term. The first Norfolk Island Regional Council election was held on 28 May 2016.

The Norfolk Island Regional Council is responsible for all local council-type functions on Norfolk Island including waste management, land rates and planning. The Norfolk Island Regional Council also delivers some state-type functions under an agreement with the department.

A detailed chart listing the Norfolk Island Regional Council's responsibilities is available at the Government Services on Norfolk Island page.

The Norfolk Island Regional Council website is located at

The Norfolk Island Regional Council can be contacted on 0011 22244 or 0100 (local free call).

Norfolk Island Regional Council audit

In June 2020, the elected members of the Norfolk Island Regional Council (NIRC) requested an independent governance and financial audit of NIRC operations to be undertaken prior to the scheduled 2020 Council elections.

Nexia and Grassroots Connections Australia were engaged to conduct the audit of the governance, operations, financial performance and financial sustainability of NIRC, in line with the terms of reference agreed by the elected councillors.

The independent audit is now complete and the audit reports are publicly available below. Copies of the audit reports have been provided to the NIRC for its consideration.

The findings and recommendations of the independent reports will be considered by NIRC and the Australian Government.

Temporary suspension of the Norfolk Island Regional Council and appointment of interim administrator

On 15 December 2020, the Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories (Minister) issued a notice of intention to suspend the Norfolk Island Regional Council (NIRC) for a period of three months, following the findings and recommendations of the independent audit of the NIRC's governance, operations, financial performance and financial sustainability.

On 3 February 2021, the Minister signed an order suspending the NIRC for three months after considering a submission from the NIRC as well as the criteria set out in the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) (NI). The Minister also appointed Mr Michael Colreavy as interim administrator of the NIRC during its suspension.

During the suspension, the day to day functions of the NIRC will continue but councillors and the Mayor are suspended from office and are not entitled to exercise any of the functions of civic office.

The interim administrator will exercise all the functions of the NIRC, including the functions of the councillors and the Mayor.

Here is some general information about temporary suspension and the appointment of an interim administrator.

  • NIRC Notice of intention to temporarily suspend NIRC FAQ PDF: 497 KB
  • NIRC Temporary suspension and appointment of interim administrator FAQ PDF: 493 KB

Public inquiry into the Norfolk Island Regional Council

On 10 February 2021, the Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories (Minister) announced a public inquiry into the Norfolk Island Regional Council (NIRC). The Minister has appointed Ms Carolyn McNally as the commissioner to hold the inquiry.