The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA) provides advice, assistance and feedback to departments and agencies on regional impact considerations for any new policy proposal, and advice on completing Regional Australia Impact Statements (RAIS) as part of the policy development and Cabinet Submission process.
Where required, a RAIS is designed to help policymakers understand how a New Policy Proposal (NPP) affects regional, remote and rural Australia (including Australian Government administered Territories) differently to metropolitan Australia. In addition, a RAIS can also support consideration for how an NPP or Submission aligns with the Government's Regional Investment Framework (RIF), which sets out the Government's approach to how regional investment is delivered across the Commonwealth in a way that is joined-up, flexible and cohesive.
RAIS guidelines
Departments and agencies developing policy and completing Cabinet Submissions should refer to the following RAIS guidelines, which outline the purpose of a RAIS and assist in the identification and assessment of regional impacts in alignment with the RIF. The RAIS team can help departments and agencies assess whether a separate RAIS would be beneficial and provide guidance on the summary statement in the Impacts table of an NPP or Cabinet Submission.
RAIS template
Departments and agencies can use the following template to structure their RAIS. The template is provided as guidance only and formatting can be adjusted to suit the content of the Submission and number of proposals being put forward.
To more effectively assess the regional impacts of an NPP or Submission, it is recommended departments and agencies consult DITRDCA early in the policy development and proposal drafting process to discuss the nature of the regional impacts and the development of a RAIS.
Information sources
Departments and agencies can demonstrate the impacts of an NPP or Submission on regional Australia (including Australian Government administered Territories) by using evidence in the form of data, facts or modelling. The following information and data sources may be of assistance to departments and agencies conducting a RAIS or a more detailed analysis of regional impacts in their NPP or Submission.
Contact us
For further advice on RAIS matters and to begin the consultation process, please contact DITRDCA via