Road Safety Campaign

Safer Driving Starts with You

The Road Safety Campaign launched on 15 December 2024.

The Campaign reminds and reinforces safe driving behaviours and the importance of road safety for all drivers.

Australia is currently experiencing its highest number of road fatalities in years with the total annual deaths from road crashes trending upwards.

Recent monthly road death statistics shows 1,295 people died on Australian roads in the 12 months to 31 October, this is up 5.2 per cent from 1,231 in the previous period.

Male drivers are over-represented in road crashes and fatalities in all age groups.

Governments at all levels are working together with communities to improve road safety.

Everyone has a role in making our roads safer. Remember, don't let a car change who you are.

Because, safer driving starts with you.

Please share the campaign materials with your friends, family, colleagues and networks:

Share the Message

The Campaign materials on this page are available to share with friends, family and your stakeholder networks.

Poster 1

Road Safety Campaign poster 2 - You wouldn't speed and tailgate someone while walking... so why do it in a car? The risk of getting into a fatal crash doubles with every 5km increase in speed over the limet in a 60km zone.

Poster 2

Road Safety Campaign poster 1 - You wouldn't get distracted while using a power tool... so why do it in a car? 16% of road crashes resulting in hospital attendance occur as a result of distracted driving.

Campaign advertising materials 


Don't let a car change who you are—Distraction—15 seconds

Don't let a car change who you are—Tailgate—15 seconds

Don't let a car change who you are—Driving error—15 seconds


Don't let a car change who you are—Impatience

Don't let a car change who you are—Driver error

Don't let a car change who you are—Tailgating

Radio/Digital Audio

Don't let a car change who you are—Mix—30 seconds
Audio file
Don't let a car change who you are—Distraction—15 seconds
Audio file
Don't let a car change who you are—Tailgating—15 seconds
Audio file
Don't let a car change who you are—Impatience—15 seconds
Audio file

Out of Home

Don't let a car change who you are (landscape)
Don't Let a Care Change Who You Are
Don't let a car change who you are (portrait)
Don't Let a Care Change Who You Are
Safer Driving Starts With You (landscape)
Don't Let a Care Change Who You Are
Safer Driving Starts With You (portrait)
Safer Driving Starts with You

An executive summary of the research used to inform the development of the Road Safety campaign can be found at:

Find out more

Material on this page are authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.