Australian Jet Zero Council


On 21 June 2023, the Australian Government announced the establishment of the Australian Jet Zero Council.

The council brings together a cross-section of senior stakeholders from across the aviation sector and its supply chains to lead efforts to deliver net zero aviation in Australia. The council will also coordinate across the sector to provide advice to Government on issues related to the aviation industry's transition to net zero emissions.

The council's work will complement the Government's Aviation White Paper, which will set the scene for the next generation of growth and development across the aviation sector.

About the council

The Terms of Reference set out the council's responsibilities and activities.


The council's objectives are to:

  1. Provide senior industry leadership on efforts to achieve net zero aviation in Australia;
  2. Provide coordinated advice to the Australian Government, through the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, on policy and regulatory issues related to facilitating the aviation industry's transition to net zero. This could cover issues including, but not limited to:
    1. the development of a sustainable aviation fuel industry (e.g. production, refining, transport and logistics capabilities) and other net zero capabilities that will create Australian jobs, having regard to Australia's competitive advantages and commercial feasibility considerations;
    2. other measures that will reduce aviation emissions at least cost to industry, government and consumers, having regard to competitive neutrality considerations; and
    3. measures to enhance Australia's aviation fuel security supply chains;
  3. Promote, mobilise and galvanise industry efforts to decarbonise aviation.


The Terms of Reference outline that an early deliverable for the Council is a forward workplan to focus and prioritise its activities. At its December 2023 meeting, the Council agreed to the workplan.


The Chair convenes the council and sets its Terms of Reference and membership. The membership of the council may change over time as its focus evolves.

Organisations selected for the Council are:

Seat Title/Organisation
Chair Secretary
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Airline Qantas Airways
Regional Express
Virgin Australia
Airport * Brisbane Airport Corporation
Aviation fuel Australian Institute of Petroleum
Sustainable Aviation Fuel Alliance of Australia and New Zealand
Major SAF Projects * Ampol
Manufacturing Airbus
Feedstocks GrainCorp
Research and development Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Finance and investment Australian Renewable Energy Agency
Clean Energy Finance Corporation
Regional Regional Aviation Association of Australia
Defence Department of Defence

*—indicates a rotating seat. The holder of each rotating seat is appointed for a one-year term, with membership to be refreshed on an annual basis.

Members are expected to consult widely within their respective industry sectors.

Meeting documents

Council meeting documents will be published here.

Meeting 1—15 August 2023

Meeting 2—12 December 2023

Meeting 3—30 April 2024

Meeting 4—28 October 2024


The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts provides secretariat support to the council. The AJZC Secretariat can be contacted via:



Australian Jet Zero Council Secretariat
Domestic Aviation and Reform Division
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
GPO Box 594

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