The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

ROVER Portal Rebuild

ROVER Portal Rebuild launch date

The rebuilt ROVER portal went live on 12 June 2024.

What changed in the rebuilt ROVER portal?

The Register of Approved Vehicles public search site and ROVER portal were rebuilt on a new IT platform. The previous IT platform that both systems were based on would no longer be supported to the standard required to protect the data we collect and a rebuild was necessary to ensure this data is not vulnerable to cyber attacks.

The rebuilt ROVER system looks similar to the previous site and included the following design changes to improve the user experience:

  • Action buttons: It is easier to view, edit and delete items in lists within an application. You are able to click one button and choose what action you would like to take.
  • Mini-forms: It is easier and takes fewer clicks to add, edit and update information using mini-forms. After selecting the information you would like to add to or update, you will be able to enter the details directly into the mini-form that is generated.
  • Search filters: You are able to search your lists more easily – specific applications, approvals or RAV submission information – using search filters.
  • Reference numbers: Reference numbers for draft applications and recall submissions are provided earlier in the application process, making it easier to manage drafts.
  • Menus: The tabs in applications, approvals and recall submissions have been replaced. All pages are listed in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, making it easier to access specific information.
  • Save and Next buttons: You are able to move to the next page of your application without losing information entered into free-text fields.
  • Applications page: Your list of applications is provided in a table view. Views that list draft, submitted or archived applications are available.
  • New recalls: You are able to save a draft recall. This will allow multiple users to add relevant information to the recall before submitting it.
  • Requests for information (RFI) and requests in writing (RIW): On the applications and recalls pages, a table will be pinned to the top of the page that lists applications or recalls with open requests. This will make it easier for you to identify and manage open requests.
  • Extent of compliance: It is faster to select the extent of compliance against standards and all compliance information (CI) forms are generic - each CI form includes the same fields. You are able to add multiple component type approval numbers to a CI form and add a UN Approval number via a free-text field.
  • Comments and other matters page: Available across all applications types, use this page to provide additional information or supporting evidence that does not have a designated field in your application.

ROVER resources for the rebuilt portal

A range of resources are available to support ROVER users with the changes introduced in the rebuilt portal.

  • What's new? What's different? guide: This guide provides a visual overview of functionality and design changes that you can expect to see in the rebuilt ROVER portal.
  • CI Forms Webinar: Watch this video on the changes to extent of compliance pages, including Compliance Information (CI) forms, in the rebuilt ROVER portal.
  • ROVER demonstration video: We show you some of the key changes in the rebuilt ROVER portal, including new search filters, starting an application, adding and editing information, the RAV page, recalls, and more.