The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

Refusals and your rights of review

When considering an application for approval, the department may:

  • refuse to consider the application;
  • refuse to grant an approval; or
  • grant an approval.

Refusing to consider an application means the application is closed without either granting or refusing to grant the requested approval.

The department may refuse to consider applications that are submitted incorrectly or incomplete. For example, without the required information, supporting documents, declarations or payment.

The department may request further information (RFI) when assessing an application. The assessment will continue once the applicant has responded appropriately to the RFI. However, the department may refuse to consider an application if the applicant does not respond or provide all the requested information.

The department may refuse to grant an approval where the eligibility criteria has not been met.

If the department refuses to consider an application or refuses to grant an approval, the applicant may either submit a new and more complete application or seek a review of the decision through the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART). The ART is independent of the department and can provide a merits review of administrative decisions.

The Industry guide to refuse to consider powers provides more information.

Please note, some vehicles cannot be imported into Australia and will not be granted approval.