The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

Television and Media Surveys

The 2023 Television and Media Survey provides information on the screen and media content engagement practices, habits, and expectations of Australians.

The 2023 survey maintains core questions from previous survey iterations and adds a range of new questions to address the changing media environment. For the first time, the survey includes answers from Australian children, and also covers how Australians view and use Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies.

In 2023, the Department commissioned the Television and Media Survey, which combines questions from the Media Content Consumption Survey (run since 2020) and the Television Consumer Survey (run in 2022). A total of 4,892 Australian adults and 884 Australian children participated in the survey between 25 September and 16 October 2023.

Given the inclusion of children in the 2023 survey, the survey received ethics approval from a Bellberry Limited Human Research Ethics Committee (approval number: 2023-07-875).

The 2023 Television and Media Survey questionnaire instrument is also available.

Previous Television and Media Survey releases

Previous iterations of the Media Content Consumption Survey and the Television Consumer Survey can be accessed below.

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2022 Media Content Consumption Survey

The Media Content Consumption Survey provides information on the screen and media content viewing practices, habits, and expectations of Australians. Now in its third year, the trends observed highlight the changing nature of how Australians are consuming screen content.

2022 Television Consumer Survey

The Television Consumer Survey collects intelligence on the attitudes, expectations, and behaviours of Australians in relation to accessing screen content via televisions and other devices (including on various platforms such as free-to-air, online subscription services, and on-demand television).

2021 Media Content Consumption Survey

The 2021 survey was conducted by the Social Research Centre from 14 September to 5 October 2021, with 4,135 respondents.

Media content consumption survey: Analytical Report—January 2022 (1.75 MB)

2021 Media content consumption survey—key results—January 2022 (303.89 KB)

2021 media content consumption survey social research centre presentation (1.93 MB)

2020 Media Content Consumption Survey

The 2020 survey was conducted by the Social Research Centre from 14 September to 28 September 2020, with 4,096 respondents

2020 Media content consumption survey (1.22 MB)

2020 Media content consumption survey (4.7 MB)

2020 Media content consumption survey—key results (292.92 KB)

2020 Media content consumption survey—key results (141.14 KB)