From 1 July 2025, Norfolk Islanders will be able to access a new consolidated, streamlined Australian Government employment, disability employment and vocational education and training (VET) assistance program.
The Norfolk Island Employment Support Program brings together the services and supports currently provided through the Employment Services (Norfolk Island), Disability Employment Services (DES), and VET Assistance Financial Assistant Initiative into a one-provider program The new program will be delivered by a Norfolk Island led and locally based organisation, and is specifically designed to enhance local services for Norfolk Islanders with employment needs including those with a disability, parents, mature-aged, youth and long-term unemployed.
Additionally, the program will proactively support local employers, through a range of supports, to understand and address their specific workforce needs, implement inclusive employment practices and identify employment opportunities, including creating or tailoring roles where needed, such as for individuals with a disability.
Services for Job Seekers
The service provider will work closely with job seekers to support by:
- building skills and improving employability
- providing career advice and job search assistance
- providing support to access online resources and training
- addressing barriers to higher education and employment
- identifying future employment and higher education goals, and access to appropriate support pathways
- supporting engagement in higher education and VET opportunities through financial assistance
Services for Employers
The service provider will work closely with employers to support by:
- tailoring assistance based on recruitment and retention needs
- sourcing and referring participants to suitable vacancies
- building confidence and capability to employ people with a disability
- identifying employment opportunities, including apprenticeships and traineeships and matching suitable participants to vacancies
- improving inclusive and disability employment practices and opportunities