Site Investigation
- Jacobs Australia Pty Ltd is the contaminated land specialist leading the Program investigation at Melbourne Airport.
- The Program investigation at Melbourne Airport commenced on 1 July 2023 and is anticipated to take approximately 3 years to complete.
- The investigation will address potential sources of PFAS at the airport, as well as potential migration pathways to receptors both on and off airport.
- SAGE Environmental Services is the accredited contaminated land auditor engaged by the department to independently audit the investigation to ensure compliance with relevant regulations, national guidance and best practice.
- The department is engaging with relevant state agencies to support the review of key investigation reports and plans.
- Airport participation in the Program is voluntary. Melbourne Airport signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the department to join the Program on 17 January 2022.
- Melbourne Airport participated in the Pilot program which concluded on 30 June 2023.

Where is the Investigation up to?
- A Detailed Site Investigation (DSI) was carried out under the Pilot program at Melbourne Airport, as sufficient data was available to support an initial understanding of PFAS on site.
- The DSI recommended further investigations to address data gaps.
- The Melbourne Airport investigation includes a Mass Flux Study with additional Detailed Site Investigations. A Sampling Analysis and Quality Plan (SAQP) is currently being finalised.
- The investigation's focus will be sampling and analysis on airport land to determine the nature and extent of PFAS in soil and groundwater, as well as potential migration pathways between the airport and surrounding land.
Next steps
- Fieldworks at the airport site are expected to commence in March 2025 and take 12 months to complete.
- Following fieldworks, a Mass Flux Study Report and additional Detailed Site Investigation Report will summarise investigation outcomes and identify and recommend next steps.
- A Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment may be conducted if investigations identify it is required.
- Investigations will inform the development of a PFAS Management Plan for Melbourne Airport that will document the approach to managing risks associated with PFAS contamination at the airport.
Additional information
- Answers to other questions on PFAS and the PFAS Airports Investigation Program can be found on our website at PFAS—your questions answered.
Contact information
- An information line and email have been established by Jacobs Australia to provide information about the investigation:
- Community information line: 1800 320 708
- Email:
Last updated 11 November 2024