The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

Australia at the International Civil Aviation Organization

Australia's commitment to promoting safe, secure and sustainable aviation outcomes internationally

Australia has contributed significantly to the development of international civil aviation through the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)—including as a member on the ICAO Council—for over 80 years. We participated in drafting the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) and were one of the first States to ratify it.

Australia has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment, dependability and leadership in international civil aviation. We work cooperatively and productively with ICAO member States, ICAO and its key bureaus and agencies, the wider international community and regional organisations to enhance standards and guidance for aviation safety, air navigation, security and facilitation, and environmental protection. We remain focused on ensuring ICAO member States are well supported so No Country is Left Behind.

We share our experiences, expertise and perspectives, as well as those of the Pacific, with ICAO member States. Australia has maintained a Permanent Mission to ICAO in Montreal, Canada since 6 June 1945. We contribute actively and constructively on both the ICAO Council and ICAO's Air Navigation Commission, as well as on many of ICAO's global and regional panels, working groups, study groups, and task forces. We work cooperatively with other member States to seek outcomes that enhance global aviation outcomes across all of ICAO's strategic objectives.

Australia is committed to maintaining our world-leading aviation safety, security and airspace regulation, enabling new aviation technologies and connecting Australia to the world. This includes initiatives to reduce Australia's emissions from aviation, encouraging workforce diversity to help grow our aviation sector, and seeking closer alignment with ICAO's Standards and Recommended Practices.

Australia recognises that environmental protection has become an increasingly important ICAO strategic objective for all member States. Australia strongly supports ICAO's goal of carbon neutral growth for the international aviation industry from a 2020 emissions baseline. Australia supported ICAO's adoption of a long-term aspirational goal for international aviation of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and a collective global aspirational vision to reduce CO2 emissions in international aviation by five per cent by 2030 through the use of sustainable aviation fuel, lower carbon aviation fuels, and other aviation cleaner energies.

Australia is pleased to confirm that we are continuing our commitment to contributing to the development of international civil aviation by standing for re-election to the ICAO Council in Part I—States of chief importance in air transport for the 2025–28 term at the 42nd ICAO Assembly in September 2025.

Banner logos—Australian Government and Australia ICAO Council 2025 to 2028


Australia's commitment to continue to cooperatively, productively and actively participate in ICAO

Australia's active engagement with ICAO continues to be critical in the development of global policies, international standards and recommended practices, guidance and advisory materials that are consistent with ensuring outcomes that enhance global aviation objectives. This role includes promoting the perspectives of our Pacific partners through our membership of the ICAO Council.

Australia will continue to engage in ICAO to promote international commitments to meet key challenges in the environment, including the long-term aspirational goal for international aviation of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, the Carbon Offsetting Reduction Scheme for International Aviation and in facilitation through ICAO Facilitation Programs in response to issues raised during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Australia continues to share our experiences, expertise and perspectives with the world and listens and reflects on the views of ICAO member States through our membership of the ICAO Council and participation in ICAO panels, working groups and task forces. Australia works constructively with member States and industry to progress work on ICAO's strategic objectives related to aviation safety, air navigation, aviation security, facilitation, environmental protection and the economic development of air transport.

Australia actively participates in ICAO's Asia-Pacific regional forums, such as the annual conference of Asia Pacific Directors General of Civil Aviation, the Regional Aviation Safety Group Asia and Pacific Regions, Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group, and the Asia and Pacific Regions Regional Aviation Security Coordination Forum, recognising that air travel is at the heart of future economic development and social connectivity.

Australia's commitment to continue to build aviation capability in the Asia Pacific region to ensure No Country is Left Behind

Australia is committed to ensuring States in the Asia Pacific are supported in achieving the aims of all ICAO strategic objectives. We are deepening our aviation capability-building programs in the Asia Pacific to support a safe, secure and sustainable and resilient aviation industry in the region.

Through the Partnerships for Infrastructure program, Australia provides technical and capacity building assistance to support the region's critical infrastructure and transport needs, including in aviation. Through the Australia–Pacific Partnerships for Aviation Program, we work with Pacific island countries to support a safer, higher quality, more sustainable and resilient Pacific aviation sector.

Australia continues to assist the Pacific Aviation Safety Office (PASO) to provide safety audits for PASO members and through providing strategic advice as an associate member. We have worked closely with Pacific regulators to assist them to increase staff capability and to meet ICAO training standards, including in the Solomon Islands and Tonga.

Australia's longstanding bilateral aviation capability-building programs are continuing to support Indonesia, under the Indonesia Transport Safety Assistance Package, and Papua New Guinea, under the Transport Sector Support Program. Australia is enabling secure aviation travel in South East Asia and South Asia through our Transport Security International Capacity Building Program.

Australia has committed funding support for ICAO's Pacific Liaison Office, hosted by Fiji. Australia is strongly supportive of ICAO's efforts to respond to the strategic aviation priorities faced by the Pacific and its assistance to support the implementation of measures aimed at achieving all of ICAO's strategic objectives.

Australia also actively contributes to ICAO's Flight Procedures Program to accelerate the implementation of performance-based navigation in the Asia Pacific which will lead to significant safety and efficiency benefits and reduced environmental impacts.

About the International Civil Aviation Organization

ICAO is the specialised United Nations agency, comprised of 193-member States, that sets internationally-agreed aviation safety, air navigation, aviation security, facilitation and environmental protection standards.

The ICAO Council comprises 36-member States elected by the ICAO Assembly for a three-year term. Part I of the Council consists of States of Chief Importance in air transport. Part II consists of States not otherwise included but which make the largest contribution to the provision of facilities for international civil air navigation. Part III consists of States whose inclusion ensures that all major geographic areas of the world are represented on the Council.

The Chicago Convention establishes certain principles and arrangements for international civil aviation to develop in a safe and orderly manner and so that international air transport services are established on the basis of equality of opportunity and operated soundly and economically. The legal instrument giving effect to its ratification in Australia is the Air Navigation Act 1920.

Australian Government agencies' roles and responsibilities

Arrangements for Australia's participation in ICAO are covered under two memorandums of understanding (MOU). The first is between the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Airservices Australia, and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority in relation to arrangements for Australia's participation in ICAO.

The second is a multi-agency MOU which outlines the roles and responsibilities of each agency for respective annexes under the Chicago Convention, which is also outlined on our webpage on Annexes to the Chicago Convention.

It outlines Australian Government aviation agencies roles and responsibilities on matters in relation to the management of aspects of international aviation activities between:

  • Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
  • Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  • Airservices Australia
  • Australian Transport Safety Bureau
  • Australian Maritime Safety Authority
  • Bureau of Meteorology
  • Department of Home Affairs
  • Department of Defence
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.