The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

Importing a road vehicle into Australia

Before you import a road vehicle into Australia, you must obtain an import approval.

Under Section 22 of the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 (RVSA), it is an offence to import a road vehicle into Australia without approval.

The department manages the approval process through ROVER, the department's online application and approval portal.

There are several types of import approval applications. You should select the option suited to your circumstances.

Applications for an approval to import a road vehicle must be made through ROVER, the department's online system that manages all applications and approvals.

IMPORTANT: Should your road vehicle arrive in Australia without an import approval, the Australian Border Force (ABF) will not release it from customs control. Storage costs for such vehicles can be considerable and all costs incurred are the responsibility of the importer. 

On this page

8 steps to importing a vehicle

For more information on the steps involved in importing a road vehicle, visit the 8 steps to import a vehicle webpage.

Vehicle type approvals

Vehicle type approvals allow an unlimited number of vehicles of a particular type to be imported. This option is generally used for commercial importation requirements.

For more information, visit the vehicle type approvals webpage.

Importing single road vehicles

The single road vehicle option is suited to importing either one vehicle or a small number of vehicles. You can include up to 30 identical vehicles in one single road vehicle application, except for trailers, which are limited to 4. If granted, you will get an approval for each vehicle.

There are several types of single road vehicle applications:

Concessional RAV entry approvals

A concessional RAV entry approval allows certain types of road vehicles to be imported and entered on the Register of Approved Vehicles (the RAV). A concessional RAV entry approval means that you have an import approval for that vehicle.

Vehicles that may be eligible for importation under this application type include:

Specific criteria apply to each import type. For more information, visit the concessional RAV entry approvals webpage.

IMPORTANT: The Register of Approved Vehicles (RAV)

The RAV is a database of vehicles that have met the requirements of the RVS legislation and been approved for provision to the Australian market. The RAV replaces the requirement for vehicle identification plates under the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 (MVSA).

Non-RAV entry import approvals

Where a vehicle will not be used on Australian roads, or only in exceptional circumstances, a non-RAV entry import approval may be suitable. Non-RAV vehicles may be approved for certain purposes, including for:

  • Races and rallies
  • Public exhibition
  • Use in film, TV or advertising
  • Testing or market evaluation.

Significantly modified vehicles (for example, a hot rod) or vehicles that will only be imported temporarily may also be eligible under this import type.

For more information, including the criteria that apply, visit the non-RAV entry import approvals webpage.

Reimportation import approvals

A reimportation import approval allows the owner of a road vehicle, who has previously exported a vehicle, to 're-import' or bring the vehicle back into Australia. The vehicle must either be on the RAV or have an approval (Australian identification plate or used import plate) under the previous legislation (MVSA).

For more information, visit the reimportation import approvals webpage.

Importing a vehicle that is not a road vehicle

If you are importing a vehicle that is not a road vehicle, for example, a motorised wheelchair, quadbike or golf cart, then you are not required to obtain a road vehicle import approval.

However, you may apply to the department for an Advisory notice confirming that your 'thing' is not a road vehicle. Having an advisory notice may help you clear your non-road vehicle through customs.

For more information, visit the advisory notice that thing is not a road vehicle webpage.

Importing road vehicles under Status of Forces Agreements and certain Customs Tariff Act by-laws

Subsection 22(2) of the RVSA and section 171 of the Road Vehicle Standards Rules 2019 provide that a person is permitted to import a road vehicle in accordance with certain by-laws under the Customs Tariff Act 1995 regarding Status of Forces Agreements or vehicles reimported by the Australian Defence Force. This document sets out the requirements relating to import of these vehicles.

More information is included in the Importing road vehicles under Status of Forces Agreements and certain Customs Tariff Act 1995 by-laws—overview.

Australian external territories

Australia's external territories include Christmas Island, the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Norfolk Island.

You do not need to obtain an approval under the RVS legislation to import a road vehicle into an external Australian territory.

However, you do need to obtain an approval to import a road vehicle into Australia from an Australian external territory.

Assessment times

It may take up to 60 business days for your application to be assessed and decided on. Ensure you allow enough time for your approval to be granted before you import your road vehicle into Australia.

Warning about asbestos in vehicles

Some vehicles from overseas may contain components that include asbestos. The importation of asbestos is prohibited in almost all circumstances.

For more information, refer to the Australian Border Force asbestos webpage.


The information provided on this page should be used as guidance material only for importing a vehicle into Australia. Please familiarise yourself with the relevant legislation prior to lodging an application.