On Tuesday 21 November 2023, the Urban Policy Forum met for the third time, supported by the Department's Cities and Suburbs Unit.
In May 2023, Minister Catherine King formed the Urban Policy Forum to support and champion the Australian Government's urban policy agenda. The Forum will support a coherent vision for national urban policy, providing advice to the Australian Government and Minister on the design and implementation of the National Urban Policy framework.
Emeritus Professor Barbara Norman has been appointed the Chair of the Urban Policy Forum, along with 12 urban policy experts with expertise in a wide variety of fields.
Chair Professor Norman is Emeritus Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Canberra, and Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions.
Members have significant expertise in a range of crucial urban policy areas including sustainable development, planning, climate change adaptation, urban governance, local government, liveability, migration, housing and building design.
The full membership of the Urban Policy Forum is:
- Professor Barbara Norman, Chair, Emeritus Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Canberra, and Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions
- Neil Argent—Professor of Human Geography at the University of New England
- Rufus Black—Vice-Chancellor of the University of Tasmania
- Sally Capp—Lord Mayor of Melbourne and Chair of the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors
- Bronwen Clark—Chief Executive Officer of the National Growth Areas Alliance
- Matt Collins MPIA—Chief Executive Officer of the Planning Institute of Australia
- Elle Davidson—Aboriginal Planning Lecturer at the University of Sydney
- Michael Fotheringham—Managing Director of the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
- Rebecca Moore—Western Australian Government Architect
- Davina Rooney—Chief Executive Officer of the Green Building Council of Australia
- Alison Scotland—Executive Director of the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council
- Rob Stokes—former NSW Minister for Infrastructure, Cities and Active Transport
- Mike Zorbas—Chief Executive Officer of the Property Council of Australia.