The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

News Media Assistance Program

News Media Assistance Program

The News Media Assistance Program (News MAP) sets out a framework to guide government intervention to support public interest journalism and media diversity in Australia—recognising these are critical to a healthy democracy, social cohesion and informed citizens.

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts undertook consultation on the News MAP from December 2023 to February 2024. As part of the consultation, the department held over 18 meetings and received over 70 submissions.

News MAP Policy Framework

Informed by the public consultation, the Australian Government has released the News MAP Policy Framework. The Policy Framework guides the way forward for evidence-based and targeted Government support that addresses ongoing pressures in the news sector, while balancing the need to maintain the independence of the sector. It outlines the key policy objectives of ensuring access, diversity, press freedom, quality, citizen engagement and representation in Australian news.

News MAP Measures

The Australian Government is investing in a package of measures to preserve the provision of the local news that is vital to Australian communities, and support innovation and resilience for news organisations, including:

  • $99.1 million over three years from 2025–26 in grants for the news sector
  • $33 million over 3 years from 2025–26 to support the financial sustainability of the Australian Associated Press
  • Mandated minimum commitment of $3.0 million per year for two years from 2025-26 for regional newspaper advertising across the total Commonwealth media advertising spend
  • $15 million in 2024–25 for the News Media Relief Program with grants available to eligible regional, independent, suburban, multicultural and First Nations news publishers creating online news content
  • $10.5 million over four years to the Australian Communications and Media Authority to implement the Media Diversity Measurement Framework.

To support objectives consistent with News MAP, an expert advisory panel will be established to provide independent assessment and specialised advice in the allocation of funding to news organisations, as well as the design and targeting of mechanisms.

ACMA Media diversity measurement framework

In December 2023, the Minister announced $10.5 million for the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to implement its new framework for measuring media diversity in Australia. The ACMA News Media Diversity Measurement Framework will monitor the state of the Australian news market and measure the levels of diversity across Australia's print, radio, TV and online news media landscape.

The ACMA will publish its first report, followed by a report every two years, monitoring changes to the baseline, as well as providing new insights and case studies on different aspects of the Australian news market.

Australia's first National Media Literacy Strategy

As part of News MAP, the Australian Government has committed to developing Australia's first National Media Literacy Strategy. All Australians, regardless of their circumstances, should be supported to critically engage with media and information for a healthy, safe and full life.

The National Strategy will establish the key skills and competencies Australians need to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital world. A three-year development timeframe will ensure a robust government led co-design process with the media literacy research and education sectors, as well as communities. The Strategy is expected to be completed in 2028.

News Media Relief Program

The $15 million News Media Relief Program (NMRP) opened on 29 November 2024, and is providing grants to eligible regional, independent suburban, multicultural and First Nations news publishers creating news content distributed online. Applications close at 5PM on 31 March 2025, if funding is not exhausted prior.

The program will deliver critical support to local and community news outlets that play a vital role in keeping Australians up to date with the matters and events that impact them—strengthening the health and diversity of the Australian media sector. To apply for the News Media Relief Program visit: