The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

Stage 2 Reform of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002

We are seeking feedback on proposed reforms to the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 to ensure they remain efficient and effective, are fit for purpose and meet the current needs of Australians.

Why we want your input

The consultation is seeking public feedback on proposed policy options to reform the Transport Standards.

How you can voice your opinion

Review the Stage 2 Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) and tell us what you think by making a submission or attending a public consultation event by 9 August 2022. Supporting documents and alternative consultation methods are provided below.

What will be the outcome of this consultation?

Feedback collected during consultation will inform the development of a Decision RIS for Stage 2 of the reform process. This will be provided to Transport Ministers for consideration, and will include a list of stakeholders consulted, a summary of views, and analysis of the costs and benefits of each reform.

The Issue

Access to public transport is critical for people with disability to fully participate in the community and the economy. That is why the Australian Government has partnered with the Queensland Government to reform the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (Transport Standards). The reform process is looking at ways to improve the Transport Standards to ensure they meet their objectives of removing discrimination for people with disability in accessing public transport.

In early 2021, we began the first of the 2-stage process, consulting with the Australian public on 16 reform areas of the Transport Standards. This feedback informed a Decision Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) for Stage 1, which was considered by Transport Ministers in February 2022. Information on the Stage 1 reforms can be found on our Transport Accessibility webpage.

This was a valuable process and the Australian Government is now seeking your feedback to support Stage 2 of the reform process. National consultation on the Stage 2 Consultation RIS is open from 15 March to 9 August 2022. Stage 2 includes 54 reform areas, including major reforms and minor updates.

We are seeking feedback on:

  • The extent of current issues faced by people with disability who use public transport and any situations where discrimination may occur.
  • Your story, or those of others (who may be unable to speak for themselves), including what could be done to improve public transport services to remove discrimination.
  • How much each policy option would eliminate discrimination for people with disability.
  • The extent to which each policy option provides greater certainty to operators and providers regarding their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
  • Any associated impacts, costs and benefits of each policy option.
  • Your preferred policy options.
  • Any other relevant views or information.

You can provide feedback on individual reform areas or the whole Consultation RIS and can read the entire document, or just the sections relevant to your industry, interest area, or individual circumstance.

Relevant documentation

Further information, including translations, reform area fact sheets, individual surveys, and links to Australian Standards are available on the Transport Accessibility webpage.

Summary documents, surveys, and event registration

Further information, including summary documents, translations, fact sheets, individual surveys, event registration and links to Australian Standards are available on the Stage 2 Reforms webpage.


15 Mar 2022 16:00 AEDT
09 Aug 2022 23:59 AEST
This consultation is closed.


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