City of Vincent, WA
What the FOGO? We've got a Better Bin System Sorted!

The Project
The City of Vincent has an ambitious target of zero waste to landfill by 2028. Over the last 12 months, they have completely transformed their waste services to become more sustainable, increase diversion from landfill and pursue cleaner resource recovery in line with the City's Waste Strategy and the WA Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030.
Projects completed include:
- Replaced 2 bin system with 3 bin Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) system
- Replaced annual bulk waste collection with Verge Valet™ Vincent, a pre-booked verge collection system
- Introduced further tools to minimise waste and improve resource recovery
- Implemented innovative education and engagement programs to embed the FOGO system
- Ceased in-house Commercial Waste Services which has reduced landfill collection by approximately 2000 tonnes per annum and increased the volume of waste being recycled
- The 3 bin FOGO service was first rolled out to all single residences in November 2021. The rollout to our Multi-Unit-Dwellings (MUDs) occurred from March to June 2022.
Effective waste management and resource recovery in MUDs has been an issue for Local Governments historically, and this issue will only intensify as higher density developments increase. To combat this, we planned a tailored roll-out, including Q&A sessions for Strata and property managers, hand delivery of kitchen-caddies and educational packs, sorting information in twelve different languages and bin store signage.
Other WA LGAs have taken a staggered or optional approach to MUDs or not offered the service at all. City of Vincent have kept services consistent and given all residents the opportunity to divert organic waste from landfill. By June 2022, they had rolled out to over 10,000 Standard Households and over 7,700 households in MUDs.
FOGO recovery rates are averaging 97%.
The "What the FOGO?" engagement program included activations, media, YouTube channel with 14 educational videos and a dedicated FOGO website.
Further tools introduced:
- 'Bin Braille Kit' to assist visually impaired residents with FOGO
- Reusable Sanitary Product Rebate
- Weekly 'FOGO Friday' focused educational Facebook post
- Free bags of FOGO compost handed out at our events in 2022 demonstrated the circularity of FOGO from kerbside back to residential gardens.
The Award Category
The Waste Management category recognises local government projects that:
- improve resource recovery and reduce amounts of waste generated to benefit human health, the environment and the economy
- increase use of recycled material and build demand and markets for recycled products
- better manage input and output of waste materials to benefit human health, the environment and the economy
- improve information to support innovation, guide investment and enable informed community decisions relating to waste management or
- support the transition to a circular economy by transforming waste into sustainable resources.
Successful projects in this award category benefit communities by:
- creating opportunities for jobs, protect the environment and better manage valuable and finite resources
- recognising the opportunities waste materials can provide and the economic value they retain and
- accelerating the recovery and reuse of community resources.