Airport Building Controller contacts

New South Wales

Sydney (Kingsford Smith), Sydney West, Bankstown and Camden airports

Airport Building Controller—Philip Chun BC VIC Pty Ltd

Airport Building Controller FAQs

Q: What is an Airport Building Controller?

A: The Secretary of the department has appointed an Airport Building Controller (ABC) at each federal leased airport. The ABC is responsible for ensuring that activities at federal leased airports meet the appropriate building and engineering standards.

Q: What construction and building activities at federal leased airports require approval?

Airport building controls

Building and construction activities at ‘core-regulated’ federal leased airports must be approved by the Airport Building Controller (ABC). The ABC is appointed under Commonwealth law to administer the airport building control regime. The Airport Lessee Company (ALC) must also approve the activity from a planning and airport operational perspective.

Airport Building Control online

Access Airport Building Control Online

ABC Online (ABCO) is our web-based portal which manages and tracks the progress of applications, fee payments and other information associated with building activities on airports. This includes: