The Bureau of Communications, Arts and Regional Research (BCARR) undertakes research and provides economic and data analysis on communications, arts, cities and regions to support evidence-based policy development and advice.

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Employment and skills in South East Queensland

These factsheets are based on the initial findings from the employment and skills analysis of the ongoing South East Queensland (SEQ) research project.

Understanding regional data: Employment

Factsheet to assist people to source, analyse and present regional data on employment. The factsheet also includes a summary of other labour market data sources and characteristics.

Snapshot of Cities and Regions—chart pack

This chart pack provides a summary of population, employment, housing and liveability trends for our cities and regions.

Understanding Regional Data: Population

Fact sheet providing a high level guide to finding and using regional population data.

Understanding statistical geography

Factsheet providing a quick guide to assist people to analyse regional data and consider what geographical scale most accurately represents their region/s of interest.

2021 Estimated Resident Population

Statistical factsheet of the Estimated Resident Population for Australian regions and capital cities to June 2021.

Population growth, housing and housing affordability in South East Queensland placemats

These placemats are based on the initial findings from the population and housing analysis of the ongoing South East Queensland (SEQ) research project. Key findings include: