To help you make the right choice this summer, check out the ratings of some of the major movies, foreign films and computer games being released.
Christmas and the summer holidays are a great time to sit back, relax, spend time with friends and family, watch a film or two and play some computer games.
Sometimes, it’s not so obvious what type of content you can expect to see in a film or computer game, making it difficult to know which ones are suitable for you, your children and friends. The Australian Classification Board reviews and rates all films and computer games released in Australia, so you can make an informed decision when it comes to choosing a film or computer game.
To help you decide which film or game may be appropriate, please see the classification ratings below. You can also read about the plot or storyline on film or gaming industry websites, such as the movietimes website.
To search for other new releases, or find our more information about Australia’s classification system, please visit the National Classification Database.