RVS guides and resources

Checklist for a concessional RAV entry approval application for a vehicle to be modified by a RAW

  Use this checklist to ensure you have all the required information for a concessional RAV entry approval application for a vehicle to be modified by a registered automotive workshop (RAW).

Checklist for a non-RAV entry import approval application

  Use this checklist to ensure you have all the information you need to include in a non-RAV entry import approval application.

Guide to non-RAV entry import approvals

A vehicle that is not eligible to be entered on the Register of Approved Vehicles (RAV) can be imported for a specific purpose or temporary period. This guide includes information on what these specific purposes are, as well as:

ROVER guide: How to complete a SEVs Register application

This ROVER guide explains how to apply for a vehicle to be entered on the Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicles (SEVs) Register.

ROVER guide: How to correct an error on the SEVs Register

This ROVER guide shows you how to request an error to be corrected on the Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicles (SEVs) Register.  

Guide to applying for a Model Report approval—Appendix 2—Expectations for the conditions applied to an approval

Appendix 2 lists the conditions included in a Model Report approval and gives a short description of what an approval holder is expected to do to comply with each condition.

Guide to applying for a Model Report approval

This guide explains the important role Model Reports have as a key tool to support the entry of road vehicles on the Register of Approved Vehicles (RAV) via the vehicle type approval and concessional RAV entry approval pathways.

Model Report template for specialist and enthusiast vehicles

This template sets out a simple format for Model Reports and the minimum content you are expected to include. It may assist you when developing your Model Report.

Checklist for a Model Report application

Use this checklist to ensure you have all the required information for a Model Report approval application.