Checklist for a concessional RAV entry approval application for a vehicle to be modified by a RAW
Use this checklist to ensure you have all the required information for a concessional RAV entry approval application for a vehicle to be modified by a registered automotive workshop (RAW).Checklist for a non-RAV entry import approval application
Guide to non-RAV entry import approvals
Guide to non-RAV entry import approvals (538.71 KB)
ROVER guide: How to complete a SEVs Register application
ROVER guide: How to correct an error on the SEVs Register
Guide to applying for a Model Report approval—Appendix 2—Expectations for the conditions applied to an approval
Appendix 2 lists the conditions included in a Model Report approval and gives a short description of what an approval holder is expected to do to comply with each condition.Guide to applying for a Model Report approval
Guide to applying for a Model Report approval (706.53 KB)
Model Report template for specialist and enthusiast vehicles
Checklist for a Model Report application