The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

RVS guides and resources

ROVER template: Bulk RAV amendment non key update

Use this template where an error is in any of the other fields. For example an incorrect tare has been entered.

ROVER template: ADR 38/05 calculations

In addition to the information entered on the compliance information (CI) form for Australian Design Rule (ADR) 38/05 – Trailer Brake Systems, a braking calculation report needs to be attached to an application for an RVSA approval.

ROVER template: Recall progress reporting

Use this template to upload progress reporting for multiple recalls. Once you have added the required information into this template, select the 'Save as CSV' button, then upload the .csv file to ROVER.

ROVER template: Bulk RAV amendment

Use this template where an error is in any of the vehicle identification numbers, the approval number or the entry pathway sub-category.

ROVER guide: For existing ROVER account holders setting up multifactor authentication to sign in

If you had a ROVER account before 13 July 2022 you need to set up multifactor authentication. You can follow this guide to set up multifactor authentication for the first time.

Vehicle type approval import approval confirmation letter

This letter confirms that a vehicle type approval holder, or a person authorised by the approval holder, is permitted to import the road vehicle that the approval applies to. Latest version

Position Paper — Component type approval — test reports not completed by an RVS approved testing facility

This Position Paper was first published in June 2020 and addresses stakeholder concerns raised during consultations in early 2020 about how aspects of the Road Vehicle Standards (RVS) legislation will work in practice.

Transition to Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 Guidance Materials

This document was published in July 2020 and provided a proposed plan for how content from Administrator’s Circulars and other Motor Vehicles Standards Act 1989 (MVSA) guidance material would transition to Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 (RVSA) guidance mater

Cost Recovery Implementation Statement, Road Vehicle Standards 2020-21

This Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS) provides information on how the department undertakes cost recovery arrangements for administrative and regulatory activities under the Road Vehicles Standards Act 2018 (RVSA) and related legislation.

Road Vehicle Standards Rules 2019: An Overview of Changes

This document outlines the key changes between the exposure draft of the Road Vehicle Standards Rules 2019 and the final version. Latest version