Pedestrian/vehicle conflict in the main street of country towns


This report presents the results of an explanatory investigation into the factorsinfluencing road safety on the "main street" of country towns and how road safety may be improved. The objectives of the research were to develop a simple process of analysis and generating options for country towns, to test alternative techniques of data collection and analysis and to add to knowledge about pedestrian and vehicle conflict in country towns. The approach adopted was to explain "conflict" in its wider context and to derive a conceptual framework for theresearch study (Part 1), to test the framework with data drawn from two casestudies (Part 2), and, based on the general findings arising from those case studies, to formulate preliminary guidelines for data collection, for analysis and interpretation, and for the generation and evaluation of options (Part 3).

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Type: Research and Analysis Report
Sub Type: Grant
Author(s): UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES John A Black, Hans L Westerman
Topics: Pedestrian, Traffic management
Publication Date: 01/02/89