The purpose of this consultation paper is to share BCARR's proposed approach to refreshing the cultural and creative activity satellite accounts. It supports a consultation process which invites stakeholders to provide feedback on these proposals.
Why we want your input
Australia's cultural and creative activity satellite account has been an important framework for helping people understand the cultural and creative economy and how this contribution has changed over time. The proposed refresh of the definition, scope and methodology is an important step to improve the satellite accounts framework and ensure the relevance of future estimates. BCARR welcomes input and feedback on these proposed updates.How you can voice your opinion
Please contact the Bureau of Communications, Arts and Regional Research by email: will be the outcome of this consultation?
Submission of feedback is due by Friday, 26 May 2023. A second round of consultation will start in June 2023, including stakeholder workshops. Following these consultations, BCARR expects to present a finalised methodology and new estimates by late 2023/early 2024.The Issue
Cultural and creative sectors are important for knowledge‑based economies. In Australia, this workforce makes a valuable contribution to our economic and social wellbeing by driving innovation and enriching our human expression.
Australia's Cultural and Creative Activity Satellite Accounts quantify cultural and creative activity and track how it changes over time. This information is used by industry, academia, and policymakers within government. The accounts were established by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and have been updated annually by the Bureau of Communications, Arts and Regional Research (BCARR).
A refresh of the methodological framework for estimating cultural and creative activity was one of the actions in Revive: a place for every story, a story for every place—Australia's cultural policy for the next five years. Revive was launched on 30 January 2023 and is available online at
The purpose of updating the methodology used in this satellite accounts is to better capture the contribution of cultural and creative sector and ensure that estimates remain fit for purpose in our changing economy.
This consultation paper reviews the current definition, scope, methodology and data used for quantifying this activity, and shares BCARR's proposed approach to refreshing the cultural and creative activity satellite accounts.
BCARR invites stakeholders to have their say about this approach to refine and improve these estimates. If you have any feedback or comments on any aspect of this proposed refresh, please contact the Bureau of Communications, Arts and Regional Research by email:
Feedback is due by Friday, 26 May 2023. A second round of consultation will start in June 2023, including stakeholder workshops. Following these consultations, BCARR expects to present a finalised methodology and new estimates by late 2023/early 2024.
We look forward to hearing your views.