The Program forms part of the Australian Government's cultural policy – Revive – which puts First Nations first and prioritises sustaining and growing First Nations cultural expressions and artistic ambitions
The IVAIS program supports a professional, viable and ethical Indigenous visual arts industry with strong participation by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The program helps fund the operations of over 80 Indigenous-owned art centres, and a number of art fairs, regional hubs and industry service organisations that are at the heart of Australia’s world-famous Indigenous visual art movement.
A total of $7.8 million, over two years, will be available as part of the opportunity, with funding to be delivered to four primary types of organisation:
- art centres, mostly in remote and very remote locations
- industry service organisations
- art fairs
- arts hubs, mostly in regional or urban locations.
The program aims to support Aboriginal and Torres Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, organisations and businesses to direct and decide on their own cultural and economic interests.
For more information about the program, visit
Submissions close 16 April 2023.
To apply for the open-competitive grant opportunity, visit
Image credit: Narlene Waddaman painting at Spinifex Hill Studio, 2019. Photograph by Bobbi Lockyer. Image courtesy of FORM.