Progress for the Kingston Pier Channel Construction Project

Progress continues on the important Kingston Pier Channel Construction project, with design Option 3A currently being finalised and environmental approvals prepared.

The selection of Option 3A followed extensive consultation with the community and key stakeholders throughout last year, with the detailed (80 per cent) design presented to the community in November. Advisian Pty Ltd provided an overview of the investigations undertaken to inform the design, with consultation via telephone and online interviews due to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19. 

In both initial and detailed design consultations for the channel, community members and stakeholders raised concerns about potential impacts on heritage artefacts and the structure of the pier, with these issues being addressed during design and construction phases.

Given community concern that construction activity around Kingston Pier may generate sediment plumes, a number of additional investigations have been undertaken. The results of these investigations will support the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act Referral for design Option 3A, which is being finalised for lodgement.

To ensure the project is delivering the best outcomes for the community, Cosmos Archaeology Pty Ltd undertook excavation of four test trenches in the channel adjacent to Kingston Pier in November last year, to better identify potential heritage impacts in the channel bed. Twenty-three items of possible heritage value were recovered during the excavations, and these are currently being analysed further –analysis to date indicates all are of relatively low heritage value.

Additionally, Advisian Pty Ltd undertook a desktop investigation involving the review of historical construction drawings, reports, photographs and video material of the pier. The investigation highlighted some degradation causing structural integrity issues with the pier’s sheet piling, resulting in the need to place temporary limitations on its access and use.  The use of large, heavy items on the pier has been limited and further exploratory investigations (with any necessary damage caused to materials repaired immediately) to inform the remediation design are anticipated to be undertaken in June.

Thank you to stakeholders and the community for their input on the detailed design.

Once the completed documentation is available online for review and feedback, the Department will advise the community.

The 80 per cent design report is available here:

If you have any enquiries about the project, please email

Eric Hutchinson

Administrator of Norfolk Island

27 May 2021