Reminder on upcoming ports management community consultation

There is already strong community interest in the upcoming engagement sessions on the Ports Management Strategy, with the Australian Government encouraging Norfolk Island stakeholders to contribute their views on best options for the long-term management of Cascade and Kingston Ports.

Grosvenor Performance Group is managing the development of the strategy. The upcoming on Island consultation sessions commencing September 23 will leverage local expertise and knowledge to explore current issues and potential solutions.

Invitations to workshops and interviews have been sent to a wide range of local stakeholders and there will also be a drop-in session open to all community members at Norfolk Mall on Saturday, September 28 between 9 and 12pm.

Driven by community consultation and best practice, the strategy development project will identify options for future port management and infrastructure for the Island’s unique circumstances.

There will be a second set of consultation sessions later in the year, at which the options for future management will be tested with the community.

A fact sheet on the project is available at
Any queries or feedback can be sent to

Eric Hutchinson
September 2019