Artificial Insemination—Scibis Visits Norfolk Island

I am pleased to let you know that Ian Lean, Managing Director of Scibus, will be on Island next week from Monday, 25 February 2019. This visit has been arranged in response to meetings held with Assistant Minister Sussan Ley when she visited the island in November last year. Scibus is undertaking a study on artificial insemination on ruminant livestock, focusing on cattle, goats and sheep.

Scibus is a leading provider of research services to agribusiness, industry, animal pharmaceutical and government organisations in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and North America. My office is making arrangements for engagement with the relevant groups.

The Assistant Minister has been instrumental in progressing biosecurity issues and is cognisant of the primary objective of the Norfolk Island Cattle Association and others which is to enable the importation of live cattle, sheep and goats. However, given the current biosecurity requirements, all options need to be considered for the short, medium and long term.

Following their visit, Scibus will provide the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities with a report detailing the study findings and options for a way forward.

If you would like to be a part of discussions and meetings with Professor Lean, please contact my office on ph: 22152 or email

Eric Hutchinson
February 2019