2018/01—Draft Water and Wastewater Services Fees Determination 2018-19 (Jervis Bay Territory)

24 January 2018

2018/01—Draft Water and Wastewater Services Fees Determination 2018–19 (Jervis Bay Territory)
PDF: 141 KB

The Australian Government facilitates the provision of water and wastewater services in the Jervis Bay Territory (JBT) and is proposing amended water and wastewater services fees effective from 1 July 2018.

A number of factors are considered when developing annual water and wastewater fees for the JBT, including the current pricing of water and wastewater services in the adjacent Shoalhaven region.

Proposed 2018–19 fees are set out in the draft Water and Wastewater Services Fees Determination 2018–19 (Jervis Bay Territory) (the draft Determination), which is available:

  • in hardcopy, on request from the JBT Administration (telephone 02 4442 1217)
  • on the Department's website
  • by email.

Tables comparing the current fees to the proposed fees can be found below.

If you would like to comment on the draft determination, please forward this in writing to the JBT Administration at the address in the footer of this page or by email to jbt@infrastructure.gov.au before noon on Monday, 12 February 2017.

Chris Baseler
Operations Manager
Jervis Bay Territory Administration

Privacy Notice (APP5)

The Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities is collecting personal information for the purposes of recording comment on the proposed Water and Wastewater Services Fees Determination 2018–19 (Jervis Bay Territory) (the Determination).

Your personal information will be stored securely by the Department. It may be used by the Department to make further contact with you about your comments, but will not be disclosed to any other third parties, except where required by law.

The Department's on-line privacy policy contains information regarding complaint-handling processes and how to access and/or seek correction of personal information held by the Department. The Privacy Officer can be contacted on (02) 6274 6495.

Jervis Bay Territory Water and Wastewater Services Fees Comparison Table

Annual Water Availability Fees
Pipe Size2017–18 ($)2018–19 ($)Variance (%)
25mm 129 129 0
32mm 211 211 0
50mm 515 515 0
80mm 1,318 1,318 0
100mm or more 2,060 2,060 0
Annual Water Usage Fee
2017–18 ($)2018–19 ($)Variance (%)
Water Usage Fee (per KL) 1.70 1.70 0
Annual Wastewater Availability Fees
Pipe Size2017–18 ($)2018–19 ($)Variance (%)
25mm 1,112 1,161 4.40
32mm 1,701 1,775 4.35
50mm 3,181 3,320 1.10
80mm 6,108 6,855 12.20
100mm or more 8,724 9,822 12.60