Services delivered by the WA Government

WA Government agency Services to the Indian Ocean Territories
Office of the Auditor General
  • Conduct and issue audit opinions on the State agency financial statements in relation to the Indian Ocean Territories (IOT).
  • Conduct financial audits of the IOT local governments and their subsidiary bodies.
Department of Communities
  • Child Protection and Family Support:
  • Provide support and encourage young people and families to reach their potential and promote safety in the community.
  • Provide assistance in administering legislation concerning Working with Children Checks.
  • Communities (Seniors and Youth):
  • Provide licensing, monitoring and support services for childcare providers, including family day care.
  • Implement programs for social inclusion including the WA Seniors Card program, and develop partnerships with non-government organisations.
Economic Regulation Authority
  • Promote economically efficient outcomes at the lowest practicable cost through efficient and effective independent economic regulation.
  • Provide independent advice.
Department of Education
  • Operate the Christmas Island (CI) District High School and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CKI) District High School, providing school-based education for Kindergarten to Year 10 (CKI) and to Year 12 (CI) students under the WA curriculum.
Energy Policy WA (DMIRS)
  • Provide advice on energy policies and practices relating to the IOT energy sectors.
Environmental Protection Authority
  • Provide environmental impact assessments of local government schemes
Commissioner for Equal Opportunities
  • Undertakes all functions as defined in the applied Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA)—Part V11 Division 2.
Department of Finance
  • Office of State Revenue (RevenueWA):
  • Collects state-type revenue in accordance with applied legislation and remits revenue to the Australian Government.
  • Building, Management and Works (Customer Experience & Strategy):
  • Sub-contracts a Property Manager to manage commercial properties.
Department of Fire and Emergency Services
  • Support the provision of community safety and prevention programs.
  • Assess commercial and industrial building plans, inspect completed buildings for compliance with National Construction Code and test fire safety equipment.
  • Undertake fire safety assessments.
  • Support fire and emergency services and volunteer marine rescue groups, including: training, emergency exercises, inspect and provide advice on personal protective clothing and personal protective equipment.
  • Provide advice on emergency recovery plans.
  • Provide a Volunteer Assistance Program.
Department of Health
  • Provide regulatory, advisory and other support services and specialist advice to the Australian Government, including the IOT Health Service.
  • Provide accessible in-hospital services and care in WA.
  • Provide community and public health policy advice and support, and tobacco licensing services and compliance.
  • Provide mammography screening and assessment services through BreastScreen WA.
Health and Disability Services
Complaints Office
  • As an independent statutory authority, provide assessment, conciliation, negotiated settlement and investigation of complaints about health, disability services and mental health services.
Housing Authority
  • Provide policy advice and support for the effective administration of social and employee housing, and assist in social housing management.
Insurance Commission of WA
  • Provide funds management, expert advice and claims handling services in relation to the operation of a Compulsory Third Party Insurance Scheme and Catastrophic Injuries Support Scheme in the IOT.
Department of Justice:
  • Attorney General:
  • Provide access to the justice system including: Judicial and Non-Judicial Court Services; Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages; State Solicitor's Office; Public Advocate and Victim Support and Child Witness Service.
  • Corrective Services:
  • Provide offender management and community justice services.
  • Equal Opportunity Commission Services:
  • Provide information and advice on equal opportunity and human rights issues.
  • Investigate complaints under the applied equal opportunity legislation.
WA Land Information Authority
  • Provide land information services, including registration of title, and geographic and cadastral information.
  • Provide valuation services including valuations, stamp duty assessments and valuation rolls.
Legal Aid Commission of WA
  • Provide legal services, including information and referral, to those in need of assistance to the community in accessing justice.
  • Provide duty lawyer services at Courts, legal minor assistance and advocacy (legal tasks) and legal representation.
  • Provide family law and community legal education services.
Department of Local Government,
Sport and Cultural Industries
  • Culture and the Arts:
  • Promote a diverse, vibrant and sustainable cultural sector.
  • Support the delivery of culture and arts activities through policy development, funding programs and partnerships.
  • Local Government:
  • Ensure compliance with applied local government legislation and facilitate the development of local government.
  • Office of Multicultural Interests:
  • Identify opportunities which enhance the participation of the IOT Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities in social and cultural life; and facilitate relationships with specialist WA community service organisations.
  • Provide government agencies with practical tools to increase their expertise in delivering services that meet the needs of the IOT communities.
  • Racing, Gaming and Liquor:
  • Provide liquor and gaming regulation services, including compliance audits and inspection of licensed premises.
  • Sport and Recreation:
  • Provide quality sport and active recreation settings and experiences in the IOT.
  • Provide advice to sporting and recreational groups to build capacity of individuals and organisations.
Main Roads WA
  • Provide advice and assistance on road networks to assist the Territory local governments to improve the management of their road network.
  • Advise the Australian Government on road and road maintenance funding, programming and service delivery issues including plant advice.
  • Provide advice on road construction.
  • Provide training primarily relating to road maintenance techniques and activities, and plant management and operation.
Department of Mines, Industry, Regulation and Safety
  • Industry Regulation and Consumer Protection:
  • Building Commission—oversee the regulation of building, painting, building surveying and plumbing services.
  • Consumer Protection—Fair trading, consumer rights, property sale and rental laws, some occupational licenses, cooperatives, and not-for-profit legislation.
  • Resources and Environmental Regulation:
  • Register mineral titles.
  • Environmental management.
  • Collect mining revenue.
  • Ensure worker and community safety by regulating occupational health and safety in the minerals and petroleum sectors, including the storage, transport and handling of dangerous goods.
  • Safety Regulation:
  • EnergySafety—Safe use of and working with electricity and gas.
  • WorkSafe—Promote and secure the safety and health of people at work.
Office of the Information Commissioner
  • Provide independent merit review of decisions made by WA State agencies and IOT local governments on the applied Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA).
  • Assist WA State agencies, IOT local governments and community members to understand rights and obligations under the applied Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA).
Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations
(Ombudsman WA)
  • Review, investigate and resolve complaints about WA State agencies, local governments and universities, and improve public administration
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage
  • Heritage:
  • Provide information and advice about the conservation and protection of the territories' historic heritage.
  • Lands:
  • Provide advice on the administration and management of Crown land.
  • Arrange surveys and prepare Deposited Plans to support disposition of Crown land.
  • Deliver Crown land tenure(s).
  • Provide advice on the disposition of Crown land.
  • Planning:
  • Provide planning and administrative advice to ensure the use and development of land is consistent with strategic planning, policy guidelines and planning standards.
  • Develop and review planning policies.
  • Provide professional and technical expertise, administrative services, and resources to advise the WA Planning Commission.
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
  • Facilitate negotiations between WA State agencies and the Australian Government.
  • Coordinate the IOT program on behalf of the WA Government.
Department of Primary Industries
and Regional Development
  • Regional Development:
  • Provide support for Community Resource Centres.
  • Publication of the IOT Price Index.
  • Sustainability and Biosecurity:
  • Deliver biosecurity support to minimise the impact of invasive pests and weeds.
  • Provide policy and regulatory support to allow for the development of agricultural enterprises that support economic growth.
  • Design and implement a targeted marine pest surveillance program for the IOT.
Public Trustee
  • Provide trustee services, including preparing wills and the provision of executor and administrator services.
Salaries and Allowances Tribunal
  • Inquire into and report on the:
  • remuneration and allowances, or the minimum and maximum amounts, to be paid or provided to local government chief executive officers
  • fees, expenses and allowances, or the minimum and maximum amounts, to be paid or provided to local government elected members.
State Library of Western Australia
  • Provide local authorities and associated bodies with library materials, information and support services.
Department of Training and Workforce Development
  • Assist in building the IOT workforce through planning support, career services and skills acquisition.
  • Assistance with employment and training services, including administration of training contracts, Group Training Organisation registration, employer incentive schemes and access to training services.
Department of Transport
  • Provide advice, assistance and support on transport issues including driver and vehicle licensing, vehicle safety standards, marine safety, ferry licensing, on-demand transport, transport planning, aviation, freight and active transport.
Department of Water and
Environmental Regulation
  • Environment Regulation:
  • Protect and conserve the environment through advice and implementation of strategies, for a healthy environment in the IOT.
  • Protect public health, minimise environmental impact and implement environmental policy across the IOT.
  • This includes regulation of prescribed premises, native vegetation, pollution, contamination, emissions and wastes, incident protection and response, environmental sustainability, climate change and waste policy and programs.
  • Environmental Protection Authority Services:
  • Provide administrative support to the Environmental Protection Authority.
  • Water:
  • Provide advice and support on licensing and water source regulation and protection.
  • Measure and assess groundwater to manage the availability and quality of water for consumption.
Water Corporation
  • Support the administration and management of the water and wastewater services to the IOT communities.
  • Generate and distribute electricity to the CKI communities.
WA Electoral Commission
  • Conduct independent and impartial local government elections in accordance with the applied local government legislation.
  • Provide community awareness of the electoral process.
WA Local Government Grants Commission
  • Determination of Commonwealth general purpose grants in accordance with the Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995 (Cth) for the Territories' local governments.
  • Undertake public hearings relating to the grants determination process under the Act and advise the Australian Government Minister of any maters of concern raised by IOT local governments.
WA Museum
  • Provide information and advice on the planning, development, management and operation of museums as community assets.
  • Provide access to specialised areas of collection management, conservation and interpretation.
  • Provide advice regarding the provision of interactive multimedia and online programming.
  • Assist community groups with making grant applications and other activities related to museum operations.
  • Facilitate access to sector training and mentoring programs.
WA Planning Commission
  • Provide information, advice and recommendations on land use planning, land development and infrastructure coordination.
  • Prepare and review land use planning policies, schemes, strategies and plans.
  • Regulate land use planning through statutory planning controls.
WA Police Force
  • Provide specialised equipment training to Australian Federal Police.
WorkCover WA
  • Provides workers' compensation education and undertakes dispute resolution, agreement processing and compliance activities.