The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

Factsheet: Contributing to Regional Growth

Sponsored by the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities

About the Sponsor

The Australian Government, through the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities contributes to the prosperity of the economy and the wellbeing of all Australians by assisting regions to realise their potential and manage their own futures. To do this, the department works in partnership with regional, rural, remote and Indigenous communities.

Australia's regions are integral to our values and sense of identity, which come from our unique and diverse culture, landscape, history and people.

The Australian Government's approach to regional development is to work in partnership with communities, government and the private sector to foster the development of self-reliant communities and regions, creating the right climate and environment to encourage the establishment of viable enterprises. Councils, shires and other recognised local government organisations along with local business and not-for-profit organisations play a key role in building regional capacity.

Contributing to Regional Growth Award

This award recognises local governments collaborating on a regional basis to strengthen investment and development opportunities, share resources, build regional competitive advantage and create jobs.

For this award you could enter projects that:

  • demonstrate strong partnerships with the private sector, local, state and territory government, community and not-for-profit organisations and other regional development organisations
  • maximise economic growth and development opportunities, progress infrastructure and other investment
  • harness regional competitive advantages; physical assets; transport linkages; amenity and human capital to drive region-specific innovation
  • empower vibrant and connected regional communities that promote diversity and inclusion, especially those that value, protect and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, culture and tradition
  • improve productivity, employment and workforce skills within the region.