The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

Australian Design Rules

The Australian Design Rules (ADRs) are our national standards for road vehicle safety, anti-theft and emissions. All new road vehicles manufactured in Australia and imported new or second-hand vehicles, must comply with the relevant ADRs when they are first supplied to the Australian market.

When a vehicle is first used on an Australian road, the relevant state or territory government legislation generally requires that it complies with the relevant ADRs as at the time of manufacture.

The Australian Government aims to harmonise our national vehicle safety standards with international regulations. The United Nations (UN) international regulations are adopted where possible. Australia is a signatory to the UN 1958 Agreement and the 1998 Agreement. Harmonisation is also important to fulfil our World Trade Organisation and Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation commitments.

Current Australian Design Rules

The current standards are the Third Edition ADRs. Since 1 July 2021, they have been administered by the department under the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 (RVSA). From July 1989 until 1 July 2021, they were administered by the department under the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 (MVSA).

The Third Edition ADRs were made national standards by Determinations Nos 1 and 2 of 1989 published in Special Gazettes dated 2 August and 1 September 1989. However, they became effective from 1 July 1988 as part of a transition from the previous technical requirements.

The Third Edition ADRs were initially a combination of active Second Edition ADRs and existing essential 'design and construction' requirements of the Consolidated Draft Regulations. Over time these ADRs have been amended to ensure they remain relevant and new ADRs have been added to cover new developments in road vehicle manufacturing and technology.

Earlier editions

The First Edition ADRs were only distributed for discussion and were not adopted as a legally binding set of standards under either national or state/territory law.

The Second Edition ADRs came into effect on 1 January 1969 and were selectively applied under state/territory law. They only applied to vehicles manufactured from 1 January 1969 onwards.

In a transition period between 1 July 1988 and July 1989, the Second Edition ADRs were increasingly superseded by the Third Edition ADRs.

The application of ADRs for vehicles manufactured up until July 1989 is the responsibility of the state and territory governments. Vehicle users should consult with their state or territory transport authority for the Second and Third Edition ADRs that apply to these vehicles.

Reviewing and developing ADRs

National vehicle standards are subject to an ongoing program of review and revision. This includes monitoring international developments and consulting regularly with the key stakeholders to identify implementation issues, changes affecting existing ADRs and whether new ADRs are needed.

Where possible, the ADRs are reviewed every 10 years to ensure they remain relevant, cost effective, and do not become a barrier to importing safer vehicles and components.

Inviting public comment is an important part of the process. Drafts of ADR amendments, new ADRs and full reviews of existing ADRs are made available on the Have your say webpage.

The level of analysis and consultation depends on the impact a new or amended ADR is expected to have on industry or road users. Consultations involves industry, consumer and government groups. All Regulation Impact Statements examining proposed new or amended ADRs must meet best practice regulatory standards.

Open vehicle standards consultations

Any open consultations on new or revised ADRs are listed below. Further details are available on the Have your say page.

New series of ADR 81 to implement the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard

The New Vehicle Efficiency Standard Act 2024 (NVES Act) commences on 1 January 2025 and applies to new vehicles up to 4.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass (GVM).

We are consulting on a new series of Australian Design Rule (ADR) 81, which currently only applies to vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes GVM. The proposed new series will extend the scope of ADR 81 to ensure certain vehicles between 3.5 and 4.5 tonnes can be included in the NVES.

Under the proposed changes, the new series of ADR 81 require manufacturers of utes and SUVs over 3.5 tonnes GVM to update their vehicle type approvals to include a carbon dioxide (CO2) test to ensure these vehicles can comply with the NVES as soon as practically possible.

The Australian Government recently determined by legislative instrument to exempt vehicles that cannot practically comply with the NVES until the end of 2029, unless a CO2 test is specified.

Compliance with the NVES is based on a vehicle's CO2 number which is determined in accordance with ADR 81. The new series will enable utes and SUVs between 3.5 and 4.5 tonnes GVM to be included in the NVES.

We're seeking input from interested stakeholders to help inform the revised ADR 81 by 11:59 pm (AEDT) on Wednesday 5 February 2025. To make a submission visit our Have your say webpage.

Stay informed about new and updated ADRs

Subscribe to be notified by email when amended or new ADRs are approved by the Minister and available on the Federal Register of Legislation.