We still have spots available in the Phase 2 trial testing distance-based road user charges measured using hubodometers, as well as the Phase 3 trial testing distance, mass and location based charges measured using telematics. Alternative road user charges can be compared to current PAYGO fuel and registration charges with mock invoices provided. It is a simple process to join the trial, as a 1st step.
We will then send you a participation agreement with a few questions on the vehicles involved. If you require a hubodometer device or telematics equipment these will be supplied free of charge for the life of the trial. Assistance can be provided for installation. We will provide information on what happens next and welcome your business to the trial. Updates will be given throughout the trial and support available by email or phone.
The higher the participation the better representation of industry in the trials. Help us to understand the possible effects of more direct road user charges, and have your say to inform government decisions.