Records of all reported road crashes occurring in Western Australia between 1987 and 1995 were linked with records of all drink-driving arrests in the sameperiod. All drink-driving arrests and all road crashes experienced by each driver over the period were identified. An "alcohol-related" crash was defined as being one that resulted in a drink-driving arrest. About 7% of all drink-driving arrests were made as a result of a crash. Those drivers arrested for drink-driving, who were subsequently involved in a road crash, were identified and compared with similar drivers not involved in crashes. Drivers who had already been involved in one alcohol-related crash, or who were involved in alcohol-related crashes at younger ages, were significantly more likely to drink, drive and crash again.
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Type: Research and Analysis Report
Sub Type: Grant
Author(s): Diana L Rosman, Anna M Ferrante & Yuval Marom University of Western Australia
Topics: Alcohol, Enforcement
Publication Date: 01/01/98