CR 69: Day to day travel in Australia, 1985–86 (1988)


This report tabulates day-to-day travel of Australians in 1985-85. The number of trips, the distance travelled and the time spent travelling are classified by mode of travel, sex of the trip maker and several other factors. These factors are demographic (age group, education, country of birth, employment status, licensed car drivers and licensed motor cyclists), time (time of day, day of week, season, holiday/non-holiday), geographical (State / Territory, capital city/rest of State, sampled region), and trip characteristics (Trip purpose, distance, duration and start time). The source of the data is the Survey of Day-to-Day Travel in Australia 1985–86.

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Type: Research and Analysis Report
Sub Type: Consultant Report
Author(s): Intstat
Topics: Exposure
Publication Date: 01/02/88