The First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group is seeking feedback on how government and industry can better support First Nations people to access the internet and media they need to make decisions about their lives and communities.
Why we want your input
We are seeking your input on our long-term roadmap on how government and industry can work with First Nations people and communities to improve access to affordable and reliable internet, culturally relevant media and information, and build their digital skills.How you can voice your opinion
Please read the discussion paper and make a submission (written, audio, or video) by email to or via the ‘Have your say now’ button below.What will be the outcome of this consultation?
Your submission will help us develop a roadmap to support digital inclusion for First Nations Australians. This will help guide practical actions by government and industry, in partnership with First Nations people and communities.The Issue
Digital inclusion is often described as the ability to confidently get online and use the internet safely. This includes:
- having access to the internet and a device (laptop, computer or smart phone)
- being able to afford a good internet connection and an appropriate device
- knowing how to use the internet for things that are important to you, such as accessing government services, doing homework, online shopping, connecting with friends and family, on-country employment and for streaming entertainment.
The digital divide in Australia is significant, with First Nations Australians on average experiencing:
- poorer access to the internet
- higher costs relative to income to access the internet
- lower levels of digital ability.
The initial report of the First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group, released in October 2023, outlines a number of practical measures to support digital inclusion in the short-term in line with Target 17 in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
We are seeking feedback on the key considerations that should be included in a long-term roadmap outlining the path towards First Nations digital inclusion.
We want to hear your views on:
- the ability for First Nations people to access the internet
- the affordability of internet services for First Nations people
- the ability for First Nations people to get online and use the internet safely
- the appropriateness of government and industry services and products for First Nations people
- the sustainability of the First Nations media and broadcasting sector
- consumer protections for First Nations Australians with respect to telecommunications
- the use and application of new technologies in remote contexts
- data on digital inclusion
- other concerns/issues in the digital inclusion, broadcasting and media spaces.
The Advisory Group’s long-term roadmap will help inform government and industry on how they can work with First Nations people and communities on practical measures to address the digital divide.
The Advisory Group is also seeking feedback on the design of measures announced in the 2024–25 Budget, namely:
- free community Wi-Fi in remote communities through a contestable program
- a First Nations digital support hub
- a network of digital mentors
- improving the national collection of data on First Nations digital inclusion.
More information on these measures can be found in the slide deck linked below.
Relevant documentation
Privacy Collection Notice
A roadmap for First Nations digital inclusion
Your submission, including any personal information supplied, is being collected by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (“the Department”) in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.
The department may use this information to support the Advisory Group in developing its long-term roadmap, and will store this information securely. It may be used by the department to make further contact with you about the review.
The Department may disclose your submission to/for the First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group. The Department may publish your submission as explained below. Otherwise your submission will not be disclosed unless authorised or required by law.
Contacting You
The Department may use your contact information to make further contact with you about your submission and the consultation process.
Unless marked confidential (see below) submissions (including the author’s name) may be published in part or full on the Department’s website or in any public response by the Department. When publishing, the Department will redact any personal contact details of the author.
Confidential submissions will not be published and will only be disclosed in the following circumstances:
- in response to a request by a Commonwealth Minister;
- where required by a House or a Committee of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia;
- where necessary in the public interest; or
- where authorised or required by law.
Submissions will only be treated as confidential if they are expressly stated to be confidential. Automatically generated confidentiality statements or disclaimers appended to an email do not suffice for this purpose. If you wish you make a confidential submission, you must indicate this by ensuring your submission is clearly marked confidential. Even if a submission is not marked confidential, the Department may choose not to publish it, or any part of it, in the Department’s discretion (for example where it includes personal information or opinions about a third party).
The Department will securely store your personal information and the Department’s privacy policy contains information regarding complaint handling processes and how to access and/or seek correction of personal information held by the Department. Further information is available at Privacy | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts