NBN non-commercial services funding options

The government is considering new ways that NBN fixed wireless and satellite services can be funded.

Why we want your input

We’ve considered options to put these changes in place, but you may be able to help us find other ways.

How you can voice your opinion

By providing a response to the consultation paper. Responses can be against all or some of the questions in the consultation paper.

What will be the outcome of this consultation?

Your input will help us consider all the issues that could happen with these changes.

The Issue

nbn delivers high-speed broadband across all Australia including in regional and remote areas. Nbn currently uses the money it makes from delivering broadband in highly populated areas to fund (or cross-subsidise) fixed wireless and satellite broadband in areas with low populations. We refer to broadband in these areas as ‘non-commercial services’.

So nbn can continue to deliver fixed wireless and satellite services, we need to find out how much it costs and consider ways that other telecommunications companies can help pay for these services.

Relevant Documentation

nbn non-commercial services funding options - consultation_paper

Published 1st Apr 2015

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nbn non-commercial services funding options - consultation_paper


second paper for a final round of consultation was released on 13 October 2015. This paper provided an opportunity for stakeholders to comment on further findings and recommendations as well as issues from the initial consultation round. Consultation on the final paper closed on 3 November 2015. The BCR has responded to the submissions received in a final report to government.


08 May 2015 09:00 AEST
01 Jun 2015 17:00 AEST
This consultation is closed.


Displaying 11 - 14 of 14
Optus (SingTel Group) - Supplementary Submission
Optus SingTel
Telstra Corporation Limited
VHA Pty Ltd