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CR 06: Appraisal of the existing traffic accident data collection and recording system—South Australia (1979)

Traffic accident data collection in South Australia has been appraised with the intention of answering two questions: What can reasonably be expected of the mass accident data system, and what improvements could be achieved by alterations to the system or to the demands made of it?

OR 1: Rules of Precedence at Intersections: An Examination of Alternatives for Australia

The paper examines the principles underlying the approaches adapted to the regulation of traffic at intersections in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand and comments upon their relevance to local conditions.

OR 3: The Use of Television Publicity to Modify Seat Belt Wearing Behaviour

Legislation requiring seat belts to be worn has led to major reductions in casualties in Australia. However injuries have resulted from belt slackness, from the location of buckles in the abdominal region and from webbing twist.

CR 04: The effect of seat belts on minor and severe injuries measured on the abbreviated injury scale (1979)

Following the implementation of compulsory seat belt wearing legislation in Victoria in December 1970, the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons established a survey to collect detailed injury and crash data from car accidents in that State.

CR 05: The effectiveness of Australian Design Rule 22 for head restraints (1979)

As introduction, the report describes Australian Design Rules 22 and 22A requiring head restraints to be fitted to driver and front left seats of all new cars in Australia from 1972 models onwards.