In this video we show you how to enter compliance information for a vehicle type approval application in ROVER for Australian Design Rule (ADR) 04/06—Seatbelts.
We take you through the step-by-step process of adding compliance information for seatbelts for a particular scenario.
ROVER: How to demonstrate compliance for ADR 04 – Seatbelts from Infrastructure & Regional Dev on Vimeo.
[Image appears of a network of dots in the background and text appears in the foreground: ROVER, How to demonstrate compliance for ADR 04 - Seatbelts]
[Image changes to show the ROVER 'Application- Vehicle Type Approval' webpage]
Narrator: In this video I'm going to demonstrate how to enter compliance information in ROVER for an ADR 04, which relates to seatbelts for a vehicle type approval application.
[Image shows the cursor selecting 'Vehicle type details' from the drop down box on the left and then the cursor points to the various fields populated on the right of the screen]
Before I get to the compliance information part of the form, I have already entered my vehicle type details, and I've got an MA - Passenger Vehicle. It's a new model Tesla A vehicle with these variants here.
[Image shows the cursor selecting 'Compliance information' from the drop down and then the 'Compliance information' form loads and the cursor points to the application number in the top right]
So what I'm going to do is skip straight to the 'Compliance information' form, and as it loads, you can see on the top right hand side is my application number which is VTA-2020-000600.
[Image shows the form scrolling through and then selecting 'Complete compliance information' and then the image changes to show the 'Compliance information - ADR 04-06 - Seatbelts' form]
So scroll down to ADR 04 for seatbelts and click on the 'Complete compliance information' button which takes you to the form for seatbelts.
[Image shows 'Applicant's reference' field being populated with a reference number]
The first thing you need to do is include a reference. This reference can be up to 12 characters long and may be published on your decision notice, so please don't include confidential information. The reference number needs to be unique for this application. For the purpose of this demonstration I'm using TMA for Tesla Model A passenger vehicle, S for seatbelt, and 04/06/, and 1 because this is going to be for the front row of seats. This date, along with the document reference, is for your records. You can't select a date in the future.
[Image shows the cursor selecting the arrow button and then the image changes to show the 'Compliance demonstration method' form appearing]
It's your responsibility as an applicant to be sure the compliance demonstration method selected is appropriate.
[Image shows the cursor pointing to a list of ways compliance can be demonstrated]
Here are the options that you can use - a list of appropriate ways you can demonstrate compliance with the Road Vehicle Standards. But first I'm going to give you a scenario.
[Image shows the cursor pointing to the 'UN Approval Number' in the list of ways to demonstrate compliance]
Let's assume that my Tesla Model A has seatbelts in the front and centre rows that have been tested and have a UN approval number, tested under the UN Regulation 16.
[Image shows the cursor pointing to the 'Test results to ADR 04/06' in the list of ways to demonstrate compliance]
But in Australia, there is also a rearward facing seat in the back, and the seatbelts there have been tested in accordance with ADR 04/06. That's this option.
[Image shows the cursor pointing to the 'Quality Assurance Services' option in the list of ways to demonstrate compliance]
The other scenarios allowed under the RVS is the Quality Assurance Services to AS/NZS 2596:2003.
[Image shows the cursor pointing to the 'Assurance of compliance to the technical requirements of FMVSS 209' in the list of ways to demonstrate compliance]
In particular it is worth noting that this FMVSS 209 is not applicable for a MA category so we shouldn't be using that one.
[Image shows the cursor pointing to the 'Vehicle type approval number' and then the 'Model Report approval number' options in the list]
And it is also not appropriate for me to use a vehicle type approval number or a Model Report approval number, because there is no prior approvals of that type that I'm going to leverage for this type of compliance information.
[Image shows the cursor selecting the 'UN Approval Number' option in the list]
So I'm going to start with the front row of seats, and the difference between the front row and back in this particular scenario is that the front seatbelts can only be used where fitted with an airbag, so let's do that one first.
[Image shows the cursor moving down the form and selecting 'Standard range RWD', 'Long range 4WD', and 'Performance 4WD' in the variants section of the page]
I will start by selecting the variants that are applicable, and in this case they have all exactly the same seatbelts in the front, so I will select all the variants.
[Image shows the cursor pointing to the arrow on the bottom right, and then the 'Return to application' button on the top right]
We then move onto the next page with this button here, and be cautious not to use this 'Return to application' button here because it does not save the changes you've made at this point. Only use that button if you want to discard your changes and start again.
[Image shows the cursor selecting the arrow button in the bottom right and then the image changes to show the 'Identification, Configuration & Installation of Seatbelt' form on the screen]
So move forward by selecting the 'arrow' button and you'll come to the next part of the form.
[Image shows the cursor moving down and populating the various fields on the form]
Choose the relevant details for the particular seatbelt, in this case a Lap-Sash seatbelt, and answer these questions by clicking the 'Yes' or 'No' buttons. In this case it is important that the front seatbelt is only installed with an airbag. It does have manual height adjustment and pre-tensioning.
[Image shows the cursor selecting 'Front Outboard' from a drop down box in the 'Position' field and then the image shows the 'Part Number' field being populated and the arrow button being selected]
As we've discussed already, this is for the Front Outboard seats and you need to insert your part number here and continue by pressing the 'arrow'.
[Image changes to show the 'UN Approval' number page and the image shows the UN approval number being entered into the field and then the 'Upload New' button being selected]
Next, you need to type in your UN approval number, and at this point you need to upload an extract of the approval document.
[Image shows a drop down box appearing on the left and the cursor making a selection and then selecting the 'Start Upload' button from a drop down in the top centre of the screen]
Click the 'Upload New' button, choose the file from the location you've got it saved on your computer and click the 'Start Upload' button.
[Image shows the 'Airbag Marking' and 'Belt Marking' fields being populated on the 'UN Approval' page]
You then add the Airbag Marking and Belt Marking.
[Image shows the cursor selecting the arrow in the bottom right and then the image changes to show a 'Comments' section and then the image shows the cursor selecting 'Save and Continue']
When you go to the next screen you will see a comments section where you can add further comments to help with your assessment.
[Image changes to show a white page with a network diagram in the background and an inset box appears showing text 'Submitting Form, Please Wait']
But I'm not going to, so I click 'Save and Continue' and that form has now been submitted for the front row seats.
[Image changes to show the 'Before you begin' page again]
Now I'm going to show you how to add the rearward facing seats for Australia which have been tested according to ADR 04/06.
[Image shows the cursor selecting 'Compliance information' from the drop down box on the left and then the image changes to show the 'Compliance information' page scrolling through]
So go to 'Compliance information' again and scroll down to ADR 04/06. You can see the compliance information I just added for the front row seats.
[Image shows the cursor selecting 'Complete compliance information' and then the image shows the reference number being added on the page and then the cursor selecting the arrow on the right]
You click the same 'Complete compliance information' button again that we did at the beginning of this video, and follow the same process. You will need to add a unique reference number.
[Image changes to show the 'Compliance demonstration method' page and the image shows the cursor selecting 'Test results to ADR 04/06' from the options for how compliance is demonstrated]
Go to the next page and choose how you are demonstrating the ADR. In this case, compliance will be demonstrated using test result to ADR 04/06.
[Image shows the cursor selecting all three choices in the variants options, then selecting the arrow on the right, and then the image shows the fields being populated on the page that appears]
All three variants have those rear facing seats, and you then fill in the same relevant information as we did before. Unlike the front seatbelts, you do not need to install the rearward seatbelts with an airbag.
[Image shows the cursor selecting 'Rear Facing' from the drop down box under the 'Position' section and then the image shows the part number being added and then the cursor selecting the arrow]
You then select the relevant position, Rear Facing seats, and add the part number and click the 'arrow' button to continue.
[Image changes to show the 'Test report details' page and the image shows the 'Test report date', the 'Test report number', and the 'Testing facility approval number' fields being populated]
Add the test report date, the test report number, and add the testing facility approval number. Please note that your test report will need to come from an approved testing facility.
[Image shows the cursor selecting the 'Validate' button below and a green box appears showing text 'Valid testing facility approval number']
When you click the 'Validate' button to double check that it is correct, a green box will appear to show that it is a valid number, and two mandatory fields also appear.
[Image shows the 'Testing facility name' and 'Testing facility address' fields being populated]
Next add the name and address, which will be used for validation by the assessor.
[Image shows the cursor selecting the arrow in the right and then selecting 'Save and continue' from the screen that appears]
So click 'Save and Continue'. Once your application is submitted, ROVER will confirm that the testing facility is approved to test against this ADR.
[Image changes to show a white page with a network diagram in the background and an inset box appears showing text 'Submitting Form, Please Wait']
So that's the end of the demonstration on how to enter compliance information in ROVER against ADR 04/06.
[Image changes to show a dark blue screen with network lines in the background and text appears: Visit]
For more information, please refer to the Guide to Vehicle type approvals available on the department's website.
[Image changes to show the Australian Government Coat of Arms and text appears: Australian Government, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications]