In this video we take you through the step-by-step process of completing a vehicle type approval application in ROVER for a low ATM trailer. We show you how to add the vehicle type details including several models, facility details, design and manufacturing control, extent of compliance with ADRs, and declarations.
ROVER: How to complete a vehicle type approval application for a low ATM trailer from Department of Infrastructure on Vimeo.
[Image appears of text on a dark blue screen: ROVER, How to complete a vehicle type approval application for a low ATM trailer]
[Image changes to show the ROVER webpage on the screen]
Narrator: In this video I'm going to show you how to complete a vehicle type approval application for a low ATM trailer in ROVER. If you are applying on behalf of another organisation, you will need to have your authority to act approved before you commence the application.
[Image shows the cursor selecting the 'Road vehicle type approvals' icon on the right of the screen and then the image changes to show the 'Before you begin' page]
Start an application by going to the 'New Applications' tab and click on the 'Road vehicle type approvals' icon. You arrive at the 'Before you begin' page.
[Image shows the page scrolling through and the cursor selecting the arrow in the bottom right of the screen]
Please confirm that you have read and understood the department's privacy policy.
[Image changes to show the 'Applicant' page]
Then click the 'arrow' to take you to the next page.
[Image shows the cursor selecting 'Someone else', and then selecting an organisation from the drop down menu, and then selecting the arrow on the right]
On the 'Applicant' page, select whether you are applying for yourself or on behalf of an organisation.
If you are acting on behalf of an organisation, click 'Someone else' and select the organisation from the drop down menu and click the 'arrow'.
[Image changes to show the 'Vehicle type details' page, and the image shows the various fields being populated on the page]
On the 'Vehicle type details' page, first select the vehicle trailer category. Then select 'Yes' that the trailer is 4.5 tonnes or less and 'No' for the application being for a SSM vehicle. Next, select the make of the trailer by starting to type the make in the box. This will bring up options from the list. If the make isn't in the list, type 'other' and select it from the list. A new box has now appeared where you can specify the make. Then add as many models as you want to include on your approval and to be entered onto the RAV - the Register of Approved Vehicles.
[Image shows the cursor selecting 'Yes' at the bottom of the page]
Then click 'Yes' to go to the next page.
[Image changes to show the 'Before you begin' page, and then the image shows the arrow in the top right being selected, and the image changes to show the 'Facility details' page appearing]
Your application has now been created and you'll see that you will now be taken back to the 'Before you begin' page. You'll notice there are now additional sections on the left hand side and you can move through the form to check that you've met all the requirements by clicking this 'arrow', and complete the rest of the application.
[Image shows the cursor selecting 'Add Facility' at the bottom of the page, and then the image changes to show the 'Facility details' section, and the image shows the fields being populated]
Now I'll show you how to complete the rest of the application, starting with entering the facility details. The address will auto-complete once you start typing in some of the details.
[Image shows the cursor selecting 'Both' from the three choices shown below the heading 'Facility type']
You'll then choose whether it is a 'Design facility', 'Manufacturing facility' or 'Both', and select the relationship to that facility from these four options. Depending on the type of relationship, you may need to upload additional information, for example a commercial agreement.
[Image shows the cursor making a selection in the 'What type of relationship' section, and then selecting 'Save and continue']
Then click 'Save and Continue'.
[Image shows the 'Facility details' page again, and then the image shows the cursor selecting the arrow on the bottom right]
You'll now see the facility details loaded on the page. Move onto the 'Design and manufacturing control' page by clicking the 'arrow'.
[Image changes to show the 'Design and manufacturing control' page, and then the image shows the cursor selecting 'Edit Design and manufacturing control details' button]
Then click the 'Edit Design and manufacturing control details' button.
[Image changes to show the 'Design and manufacturing control' page, and the image shows the fields being populated]
On this page there's some help text in the blue box that explains the things we expect you to have in place. We ask questions about the level of control you have over the design and manufacture of the trailer and a document reference for either your ISO certificate or QMS summary.
[Image shows the cursor selecting 'Save and Continue']
Click 'Save and Continue'.
[Image changes to show the 'Extent of compliance page', and the image shows a list below the heading 'Edit extent of compliance']
After that page is complete, you move to the 'Extent of compliance' page. This section identifies all the applicable ADRs that may be needed for a low ATM trailer or trailer of your vehicle category.
[Image changes to show the 'Applicable ADRs page', and the image shows the fields being populated]
You'll need to go through each ADR and select whether it is not applicable, has full compliance or substantial compliance. Where you select 'Not applicable/Exempt', for example for reversing lamps because they aren't fitted or not required for this vehicle category, you would mark as such and add a comment about why it is not applicable.
[Image shows the page scrolling through and then the arrow on the bottom right being selected]
Once you've completed the extent of compliance for all ADRs, click the 'arrow'.
[Image changes to show the 'Additional applicable ADRs, and the image shows the cursor selecting 'No', and then the image changes to show the 'Evidence demonstrating compliance' page]
On this page you can add any other relevant ADRs, or click 'No' and the 'arrow' to move to the next page.
[Image shows fields being populated on the page, and then the image shows the cursor selecting 'Save and continue' at the bottom of the screen]
Here you can add a document reference number for the documents that show evidence of compliance. Please also add a comment about the types of information you hold. For example, I've added 'All compliance information for all models is maintained in this document'.
[Image changes to show the 'Extent of compliance' page, and the image shows a list below the heading, and then the image shows the cursor selecting the arrow on the bottom right of the page]
Now you'll be able to see all the information you've completed on the 'Extent of compliance' page.
[Image changes to show the 'Contravention of road vehicle legislation' page, and the image shows the various fields being populated and then 'Save and continue' being selected]
Click the 'arrow' to move to the next page, 'Contravention of road vehicle legislation'. Here you can enter information if you've had any contraventions of the road vehicle legislation, answer the question appropriately, and click 'Save and Continue'.
[Image changes to show the 'Approval details' page, and the image shows the fields being populated]
This next page of the form allows you to include details for the contact person of the approval, which will be available on ROVER in the list of published approvals. It also allows you to add the date you want your approval to commence, and enables you to prevent a certain variant from being published on a list of approvals by selecting embargo dates.
[Image changes to show the 'MVSA IPA number page', and the image shows the cursor selecting 'No' and then selecting 'Save and Continue' at the bottom]
If you hold an existing MVSA IPA approval, this page allows you to nominate if you wanted to continue that number.
[Image changes back to show the 'Approval details page', and then the image changes to show the 'Comments and any other matters' page]
We've now completed this section, and if you want to add any other comments or relevant information to support your application, you can do that here.
[Image shows the cursor pointing to the 'Edit comments and any other matters' heading, and then the image shows the cursor selecting 'Yes' and then selecting 'Submit' at the bottom]
Then confirm that you've completed your application by selecting 'Yes' and clicking the 'Submit' button.
[Image changes to show the 'Declarations' page, and the image shows the page scrolling through]
You'll arrive at the declarations page which covers that the vehicle complies and that you will comply with the conditions of the approval.
[Image shows the cursor selecting 'Submit' at the bottom of the page]
When you've read and acknowledged those, you'll be able to complete and submit your final application. This will then take you to the payments section. So that's the end of the demonstration on how to enter information for a vehicle type approval application in ROVER for a low ATM trailer.
[Image changes to show a dark blue screen with a network pattern in the background, and text appears: Visit]
For more information, please refer to the guide to vehicle type approvals available on the department's website,
[Image changes to show the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and text appears: Australian Government, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications]
or the low ATM trailers webpage.