CR 224: Community Attitudes to Road Safety—Community Attitudes Survey Wave 17, 2004

This report documents the findings from the latest survey of community attitudes to road safety. The 2004 Community Attitudes Survey is the seventeenth in the long running survey program, the main purpose of which is to monitor attitudes to a variety of road safety issues, evaluate specific road safety countermeasures, suggest new areas for intervention and identify significant differences between jurisdictions.

The in–scope population for the survey was persons aged 15 years and over. Interviewing, using Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) technology, was conducted in March and April 2004. The sample comprised private dwellings across Australia listed in the Electronic White Pages telephone directory. A total of 1,665 interviews were conducted with an average interview length of 14 minutes. A disproportionate stratified sampling methodology was utilised to ensure adequate coverage of the population by age, sex, state/territory and capital city/other locations. The response rate (completed interviews divided by all contacts, excluding those 'away for survey period') was 64%. Approximately one in six interviews were conducted as a result of some form of response maximisation activity (refusal conversion, language other than English interview, mail follow up, 9th or more call attempt).

Type: Research and Analysis Report

Author(s): Pennay D

ISBN: 0 642 25528 8

ISSN: 1445 4467

Topics: Community attitudes

Publication Date: 15/05/05
