Western Sydney Airport Environmental Impact Statement released for feedback

The draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport (WSI) has been released for public feedback.

The draft EIS describes the predicted noise, social and environmental impacts of the WSI preliminary flight paths released earlier this year.

This includes aircraft noise impacts for 3 operating scenarios – the years 2033, 2040 and 2055.

It also includes the Australian Government’s proposed policies and measures to address areas of concern, such as noise treatments for significantly impacted properties.

The draft EIS details how the preliminary flight paths is predicted to  affect First Nations heritage, the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, biodiversity, health and other environmental factors.

It also outlines the changes to flight paths for other airfields in the Greater Sydney region, which are required to safely integrate the WSI flight paths.

Members of the public can make a submission on the draft EIS.  These will be considered in finalising the flight path design.

Submissions are open from now until 31 January 2024, and can be made at wsiflightpaths.gov.au

The department will hold community information and feedback sessions across Sydney and the Blue Mountains over the coming months.

Find out more:

Read the Minister's Media release

Make a submission.

Visit the online community portal.